Thinking Out Loud

May 14, 2016

Weekend Link List

Don't Be Captivated
Sometimes in our quest for a weekly cartoon, we forget that David Hayward aka The Naked Pastor, has been faithfully producing them longer than some of you have owned computers. The ones that make you think are provided at no extra charge…

List Lynx: "Every once in awhile I have to work a Saturday."

List Lynx: “Every once in awhile I have to work a Saturday.”

…Meanwhile, a mix of the sacred, the serious and the silly; this time in no particular order.

Public Notice: “Will link for food.” If anyone out there with a major Christian website and a budget is interested in leasing the Wednesday Link List as Christianity Today & Leadership Journal did, contact me via Twitter. 

Also, I have a birthday coming up. If anyone asks, I want large checks.

Large checks

1 Comment »

  1. Some things Christians say are ridiculous and we need to be careful about developing a “Christianese” language that only we can understand. But some of the things on Jeremy Meyers’ list have too much value to abandon. I hope to write a full blog post on this later, but I’m thinking I’ll continue using Jesus saves, Amen and lifting people up in prayer. Meyers sounds like he is burned out on being around Christians and may need to take a break. To whit:

    Jesus Saves. He does? From what?

    Many Christians have a misunderstanding of what it means to be saved. We are not saved from hell or saved from our sins. We are saved from the wrath of God. As long as we remain in our natural state of separation, God’s wrath remains on us. Hell is merely a consequence. Peter said in Acts 4 there is no other name (than that of Jesus) given under heaven by which we must be saved. So no, I will not quit saying Jesus saves. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I wonder if that statement is on any of Meyers’ lists? Maybe he hopes we’ll quit using Gospel and Good News. Or the word Christian. I will lift him up in prayer.

    Comment by Clark Bunch — May 16, 2016 @ 10:31 am

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