Hardest decisions over the Easiest things.( clarify visions)

What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make? Why?


To get a girl might be the easiest of things to do though it involves the hardest decisions to take considering how a man would have to put up with manipulation. For living with a girl is a sacrifice that’s not of sorts the man against manipulation.

To go on a date might seem the easiest game of fate sharing stale jazz about eachother over expensive coffee or the like, but taking the step beyond in trying to understand her problems and what makes her so average and ‘average seeking ‘ not really upto the expectations of divinity, identifying her faults and educating her on them while on the same date session, might come up as a challenge and a hard decision to take for the very average needy men surging through crowds in plenty.

Unfortunately no matter how many dates she goes for nor how many dates she eats in a day, she always falls short of finding that one special man she craves for. For he is beyond the world to ever feature his whiskers on dates.

One of the reasons that took me to be single is enlightenment of the present times considering the plight of many men buried and groaning in the fires of hell for the things they were too late to do because their decisions were too hard to take with their vision blurred by the cascading beauty of the damsel they ran after.

To knockdown wrong doers might seem the easiest things to do but to rehabilitate them is still one the hardest decisions to take.

To write a book might seem quite an easy thing to do but to live your book like how I’ve lived my book KALAGA is indeed the strongest decision to take. I had taken that decision that I rejoice everyday being the creator of many characters in my novel that features how ideal couples relate and the common goals they work for. KALAGA unleashes the the real ‘model’ girl personality of tomorrow as in Radha who spearheads a movement in town standing single and fearless defying every odds that love and relationship could take her to.

I like the way Didi Shivani puts accross the message about age prejudices.

To be yourself is still the easiest things to do though the hardest decisions to take in the present world of changing trends.

Start being yourself and ignore all else.


My Book explains it really well.Do get to read it.

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