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Fairy Tail Chapter 233 – Fail Glitter

read it here

It’s been a while since we saw a new Fairy Tail chapter but this one makes up for it big time. 

Fairy Tail Vol.25 Ch.233: Fairy Glitter at MangaFox.com

After making it to the grave Cana comes in for the rescue, but she just goes in with no tactics at all and just ends up with her face in the ground like the others before she could fire her spell. It seems Cana need some time to build up magical power for Fairy Glitter as she asked Natsu to buy her some time. But Bluenote blows them away with almost no effort. Bluenote then explains that if you track down spellcraft it all comes back to only 1 magic wich is the foundation of the magic we know. Lucy claims to have heard that story before but we don’t get much more information about that. Anyway Bluenote strangles Cana with his magic and keeps telling her that she’s too weak to use Fairy Glitter. Natsu uses all his strength to get up a bit and slam his head into the ground. He then uses his roar to distract Bluenote long enough for Cana to gather enough magic for Fairy Glitter. A spiral of light surrounds Bluenote and closes in on him until he gets engulfed in it. However it has little effect as Bluenote uses his gravity and slams it to the ground.

Fairy Tail Vol.25 Ch.233: Fairy Glitter at MangaFox.com

 Bluenote mocks Cana again and tells her that Magic can be extracted from someone even if they are killed. Cana seems to have already given up on her life but then the only character we have yet to see go all out enters the stage. Cana’s “father” Gildarts blows Bluenote away.

This will be interesting we saw Gildarts hold back against Natsu before but he got no reason to not go all out now. Gildartz also is the only one able to beat Bluenote at the moment with everyone injured. I wonder what the 3rd spell is and i also wonder if Makarov is able to use the other 2 spells but i think he isn’t cause if he was he would’ve used it against Hades. And Fairy Glitter is probably  extremely powerfull when someone uses it the right way we’ve seen Laxus fuck up Fairy Law before and now we see Cana failing at Fairy Glitter but Makarov defeated the whole phanthom lord guid with Fairy Law.

a little bit off topic

At the beginning of this arc i tought i would be a remake of Rave Master. Anyone remember when haru and co got their asses kicked by the oracion seis and Lucia appeared? replace oracion seis by grimore heart and lucia by zeref and you got the same thing happening here.

I hope you enjojed my first Fairy Tail review if not just tell me and i won’t do it again 😛

11 Responses

  1. nice review appreciate it! fairy tail is def on of my top 4 im into at the moment so like the critical review.

    Uber curious about the 3 magics…also want to see Natsu learn something new or do something else? im afraid he is going to fall to the age old issue like bleach with just a getsuga tencho and naruto and shadow clones…seriously we need some variation with our heroes, at leave in DBZ they were able to go up a level hahahaha and have different techs! which made it good to watch. Im excited to see how gildarts pounds bluenote!!! i reckon that Cana will give lucy the power of fairy glitter definately sounds like something lucy would have!

  2. Awesome now there’s Fair tail blog.
    Now is it me or don’t you guys think that Cana deserved that whipping, for betraying Lucy?

  3. fo shizzle my dizzle! lol i reckon lucy will get the glitter yo!

  4. @Jdogg she saw she was wrong and did not really have an excuse for what she did

  5. @WhiteShinobi, I would comment dude, but I know nothing about Fairy Tail. 😛

  6. read it Kisu its pretty good

  7. kisu gtfo and read it then 😛

    the only thing i wonder about is who will fight master hades now makarov is out. Gildarts is strong but will probably have his hands full on bluenote.

  8. natsu will have to ultimately be the one who faces hades….he prob has long way to go but im sure one of the arcs will be wtf the dragons have been up too

  9. @white shinobi good review. @kisu its a pretty good read

  10. Sweet to see you’re picking up this one, whitey. Both the manga and anime are awesome. Keep it up

  11. Bob i let the readers of YOUR blog decide at least read the posts your slaves write 😛

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