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Ausentes By E. Ritt – Book Review

Ausentes by E. Ritt
Genre – Mystery/Crime
Rating 4.5/5
A witty and clever mystery intertwined with psychology.

I highly appreciate and loved those books which give me gripping narrated mysteries and settled on a picturesque description of some other countries, creating a deep impact in readers’ minds with an astonishingly vast array of cultural life and natural aspects of the place. This is a well-crafted, murder mystery story with intimidating psychological aspects and a dash of Brazilian life.

With her witty narrative style, the author takes us to the land of Brazil. I had read a John Grisham book, named The Testament which was ensembled with a vivid narrative of Brazil and again I fall for this book for a little tour of Brazil. And another thing that made me intrigued, was the main character, the geologist. Nature depiction, science, and a murder, what more I would need? It’s all in the same nook and I am totally hooked.

When geologist Rodrigo disappeared, no one got a clue what happened to him. 4 years passed and suddenly Anna found a human skull in a creek propel when she came on vacation. Anna found herself intrigued and creating help in the investigation of this mystery.

The story was recited from three perspectives. Therefore a bunch of characters appeared but the author’s capability of creating their distinguished characteristics and nuances made me glued to the book. I enjoyed how nicely the author evokes glimpses of the cultural life of South Brazil which is creating a cozy vibe.

I love how the author is intimidating with the characters, they are deeply portrayed with their psychology, and it’s vivid and well crafted. The narrative has crispy multiple POV, everyone has their own background which created beautiful dimensions in the story. Every character and their idiosyncrasy gives this book a profound touch and readers can feel related to themselves.

When the ending twist came, the author spun the table 360° and it smashed all of your speculations.

The thing I loved in this book is Jessica, her perspective is depicted as a diary entry. I loved this narration style. I love the diversity the author created in her characters. I enjoyed them so much.

Highly recommended to Agatha Christie’s fans.

A well-crafted murder mystery, perfectly blended with Brazil culture and social life.
It’s flawless with her candid writing style. The author masterfully created the detective novel ambiance with a tinge of humor.

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