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Ricky Stuart has fired up at rival coach Des Hasler over the Titans coach’s suggestion that his team was unfairly treated by the referees in the Raiders’ 21-20 victory in golden point in Canberra.

The Titans had only 40 per cent of possession and made almost 160 more tackles than their opponents, but managed to tie the score thanks to two tries to Alofiana Khan-Pereira in the final five minutes, with Brian Kelly’s sideline conversion after the siren locking things up at 20-20.

Jamal Fogarty stepped up in the 10th and final minute of golden point to pot a game-winning field goal for Canberra.

Raiders players jump on Jamal Fogarty in celebration after wining an NRL game.
The Raiders mobbed Jamal Fogarty after his game-winning field goal.(Getty Images: Mark Nolan)

But as gripping as the contest became, the real fireworks came after the game, when Titans coach Des Hasler used his post-match press conference to rail against the refereeing of Kasey Badger.

“I’ll be the first to admit we were a bit ill-disciplined in parts, but in my opinion, I thought the refereeing performance was pretty poor,” Hasler told reporters.

Hasler took particular aim at a chargedown from debutant fullback Chevy Stewart on a Kieran Foran ield goal attempt early in the second period of extra time.

“Did they review it? They didn’t review it? Why not. So from that point of view, it was heartbreaking,” he said.

Gold Coast captain Kieran Foran and coach Des Hasler at a press conference.
Des Hasler (right) criticised the referees in his post-match press conference.(Supplied:

“I think there was a merit to review it. I think it was a good metre offside.”

Stuart was asked about Hasler’s comments in his press conference and was bemused.

“F***. He’s on another planet,” Stuart said.

“If he’s critical of the six-agains and the penalties, he’s on another planet.

“He coached well, but the way they cheated with hands on the ball [in tackles], the way they cheated on the ground.

“If we want to go back to last year or the years we’ve had, no worries. We’ll start wrestling and we’ll start cheating too.

“The game’s been going real good without that type of wrestle in the ruck.”

Titans captain Foran argued a number of calls with Badger on the field, with Badger telling him to “go away” at one point as she tried to converse with the bunker.

“I feel sorry for Kasey,” Stuart said.

“The way they were in her face all night, I felt sorry for Kasey out there tonight. She had to withstand a lot of pressure.”

Earlier, Tigers enforcer David Klemmer avoided the sin-bin for two high shots as the Tigers, playing in front of a full house at Campbelltown for the first time since 2005, lost 24-12 to the Dragons.

Look back at how the action unfolded on and off the field in our live blog below, and check out all the latest stats in our ScoreCentre.

Key events

Well, I guess that will do us for round six

NRL Referee Kasey Badger holds her hands up.

Thanks Kasey. Let’s call time on … all that.

I haven’t seen two middle-aged men throw down like that since my uncles had a tussle at a family Easter lunch 20 years ago.

All that after the game itself was unnecessarily dramatic, with the Titans forcing golden point with Brian Kelly’s sideline conversion, only to lose on Jamal Fogarty’s 90th-minute field goal.

And the Tigers also lost to the Dragons at a sold-out Campbelltown Stadium, but that honestly feels like a lifetime ago.

‘He’s on another planet’: Stuart drags ‘cheating’ Titans and Hasler for refereeing complaints

Joe Tapine and Ricky Stuart at a press conference.
Joe Tapine enjoyed watching his coach kick off.(

Ricky Stuart has been asked about his rival coach’s complaints about tonight’s refereeing and … well.

“F***. He’s on another planet,” Stuart starts.

“If he’s critical of the six-agains and the penalties, he’s on another planet.

“I just said he coached well, but the way they cheated with hands on the ball [in tackles], the way they cheated on the ground.

“If we wanna go back to last year or the years we’ve had, no worries. We’ll start wrestling and we’ll start cheating too.

“The game’s been going real good without that type of wrestle in the ruck.

“I feel sorry for Kasey. The way they were in her face all night, I felt sorry for Kasey out there tonight. She had to withstand a lot of pressure.”

Stuart says a number of Titans were lucky not to get sent from the field for repeat offences.

The Raiders coach alluded to something he privately credited the team for doing something very well that he wouldn’t reveal publicly, but now that Hasler’s comments have come to light, Stuart reveals it was about resisting get into it in the wrestle.

“I was so proud of how they stuck to their processes with the football because they could have got real frustrated tonight.”

Stuart says he’s going to speak to referees’ boss Jared Maxwell about tonight’s game and the wrestle that was allowed, because he thinks his side was entitled to 10 more six-again calls.

Ricky Stuart applauds his team for not getting frustrated

Canberra coach Ricky Stuart takes his spot in the hot seat and praises the composure of his team.

He says the mood in the sheds was elation for Chevy Stewart’s impressive debut, but also credits the overall maturity of his team.

“We played well tonight. We lose that game over the last 12 or 18 months.

“The whole performance was pretty professional from  a discipline point of view and we didn’t get frustrated.

“There’s a lot of opportunity out there tonight where we could have got really frustrated.”

“That game tonight will be a major learning curve, especially for our younger boys.”

Des Hasler immediately takes aim at ‘poor’ refereeing performance

Kieran Foran and Des Hasler in a press conference
A big mood.(

I was expecting Des Hasler to come in singing the praises of his team’s mighty defensive effort, but he immediately takes aim at the officiating from Kasey Badger.

Asked about his team’s effort, he goes straight into bagging the referees.

“I’ll be the first to admit we were a bit ill-disciplined in parts, but in my opinion, I thought the refereeing performance was pretty poor,” Hasler tells reporters.

The Titans incurred eight penalties and set restarts combined, compared to just four for the Raiders.

“Some of those were warranted, some of those I’ll buy. Possession ends up 60-40, some of that’s our fault, but it’s difficult. I’m pretty proud of the effort.”

Hasler takes particular issue with Chevy Stewart’s chargedown of Kieran Foran’s shot at field goal early in the second half of extra time.

“I’ve got some doubt around the offside nature of the chargedown.

“Did they review it? They didn’t review it? Why not. So from that point of view, it was heartbreaking.

“I think there was a merit to review it. I think it was a good metre offside.”

Hasler says he looks forward to hearing “from the hard-running Graham Annesley” to get clarity tomorrow.

After three minutes and not a word spoken by captain Kieran Foran, the press conference is over.

Let’s have a look at the stats

GOld Coast Titans players sit on the grass after an NRL loss.

There has perhaps never been a better example of stats not telling the whole story than that Raiders-Titans game.

  • Possession: Canberra 59-41 Gold Coast. 
  • Gold Coast made 491 tackles compared to Canberra’s 335.
  • The Raiders had 10 times more tackles than the Titans in the opposition 20m zone. And they completed 87 per cent of their sets, but just had no creativity in attack.
  • The Raiders had 60 more runs with the ball and made 600 more metres (thanks in no small part to Joe Tapine’s mammoth 303 metres, 134 of them after contact).
  • The Titans had to drop out five times, compared to none for Canberra.

How they stayed in that game, I’ll never know, but heart, spirit, moxy and all those other words have a lot to do with it.

The winning moments



I thought for sure that was going to be the second draw of the weekend, but the sensational break down the left from 19-year-old five-eighth Ethan Strange and the nerves of steel from Jamal Fogarty get the Raiders over the line.

You have to give the Titans credit for staying in that game, because they don’t have a single win this season, they axed their halfback, reshuffled their backline and lost fullback Jayden Campbell to a second-half knee injury. They weathered a mountain of defence and seemed completely down and out but refused to give in.

“The Titans never had a right to be in that game at the end,” former Raider Sam Williams says on ABC Sport.

Canberra coach Ricky Stuart will probably be less pleased with his team’s performance.

They leaked points basically every time the Titans got within range, and couldn’t execute despite 50 tackles within 20 metres of the tryline.


The Raiders will have one shot.

89′ Fogarty tries a chip and chase, but Brimson fields and the Titans are getting back into good range

But Foran slices his shot. That’s the best look of the night and he completely shanked it.

87′ Brimson breaks through, but the Raiders are saved by their debutant!

The Titans are in range after an AJ Brimson line break up to the Raiders’ 30m line, and Kieran Foran has a crack, but debutant fullback Chevy Stewart charges it down.

No score in GP1, and we’re off to our second period of extra time

85′ Foran misses the first shot at field goal from 45 metres out

It’s not close, but the ball refuses to go dead for Chevy Stewart.

But he somehow dives back into the field of play.

84′ Pasami Saulo is claiming a match-winner for the Raiders, but it won’t stand

Yep, Sebastian Kris knocks on as he tries to rein in Jamal Fogarty’s bomb before Saulo steamed onto the ball.

Meanwhile, Joe Tapine’s run before that was bizarre. He got the ball on halfway in the middle of the field and crabbed across to the right wing.

I’m not saying it would have been easy, but if he got up to the 40m line, Jamal Fogarty might have had a decent crack at a long shot.

83′ The Titans and Raiders both fail to get within range in their first sets

The Titans are pinned back in their territory, only reaching the 30m line on the last.

They’re lucky not to be penalised for a pass off the ground by Sam Verrills.

Golden point is underway

The Raiders kick off and the Titans will try to truck it off their tryline.


Brian Kelly kicks a game-tying conversion for the Titans.

This is a miraculous performance from the boys from the Gold Coast, who have still only had 40 per cent of possession but have executed on almost every trip into Raiders’ territory.

Alofiana Khan-Pereira is over! Brian Kelly will have a kick from the sideline to tie it after the full-time siren!!

79′ A rare miskick for Jamal Fogarty gives Gold Coast a chance

The Raiders get almost to halfway on the last. The kick to the corner is the play, but Jamal Fogarty puts up a bomb that doesn’t have enough distance on it and James Schiller knocks on.

77′ The enormity of this Titans effort

I have no clue how the Titans are still in this one.

They’ve had less than 40 per cent of the possession, had five tackles in the opposition 20m zone compared to 49 for the Raiders, they’ve made 420 tackles to the Raiders’ 266.

But somehow they’ve just held on time and time again.

The Titans set up a grandstand finish with a first-tackle kick

Ata Mariota knocks on in Canberra territory, and the Gold Coast packs a scrum, spinning it left to Brian Kelly, who immediately grubbers through for Alofiana Khan-Pereira to touch down.

Kelly misses the conversion, but the Titans are still within a converted try at 20-14.

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