Because we can…

The devastating earthquake in Haiti is on our hearts and minds. People are coming up with many creative ways to raise money to help. Me, I’m sending money *now*.

I made my donation through Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières. The Yarn Harlot put up the Knitsignal (like the Bat-Signal), and we’re answering the call.

What else can I do?

Ravelry is making it easy for designers to donate proceeds from pattern sales towards Haiti relief efforts. I’m in. All proceeds from now until Valentine’s Day (February 14) from online sales of my new pattern, Hugs and Kisses OXO Cable Fingerless Mitts, will be donated to Doctors Without Borders. Because really, we need to show some love for our neighbors.

oxo 2

Knit on, my friends.

7 responses to “Because we can…

  1. You are awesome! Think I need to go buy the pattern right now!

  2. I agree with Heather, this is fantastic!

  3. Very generous of you! And I think we all wish we could do more.

  4. Laurie Nelesen

    done and done!!!

  5. So far we have $100 for Doctors Without Borders…in two days. Thank you!

  6. You are the woman!!!!!

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