Trump Regime Training Paramilitaries to Attack Venezuela?

Trump Regime Training Paramilitaries to Attack Venezuela?

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Republicans and undemocratic Dems want Bolivarian Venezuela transformed into a US vassal state — to eliminate its social democracy and gain control over its vast oil reserves, the world’s largest.

On Wednesday, the Trump regime earmarked over $120 million for Colombia.

Masquerading as “humanitarian assistance” for Venezuelans in the country, what’s planned may be something similar to US Central American paramilitary wars in the 1980s.

Edward Herman once explained that if US imperial aims go unchallenged, its ruling authorities will “continue to escalate violence (against targeted nations) to preserve military mafia/oligarch control” — state terrorism on a global scale.

If the Trump regime intends waging cross-border paramilitary war on Venezuela, the toll could be horrendous.

In the 1980s, over 50,000 were slaughtered in El Salvador, more than 100,000 in Guatemala, over 200,000 in the country earlier and since the 1990s, thousands more in Nicaragua.

Mass slaughter was compounded by torture, rapes, mutilations, disappearances, and assassinations — on the phony pretext of combatting communism. 

Today US Latin America regime change tactics are directed against Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela’s social democracy, a notion its hardline ruling authorities abhor and want eliminated everywhere.

On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said “alleged Venezuelan refugees (are) receiving training (in Colombia) to provoke violent acts in Venezuela,” adding:

Many were “transferred to a British military base in Guyana, but the truth is that these are people who came to receive training and integrate sabotage and spy groups.”

Guyana and Venezuela share a common border. US and UK troops are in the neighboring country on the phony pretext of aiding its government.

According to US Air Force General Andrew Croft, “Guyana is going to become a larger player in this region, both economically and politically in the future, so it’s important that we are closely tied with them,” adding:

“What we leave is an enduring, physical presence in addition to the partnerships that we build.”

“Guyana sits is in a strategic location on the north edge of South America and on the Caribbean.”

“That’s what makes it important. Also, as political change happens in the nation and they become more aligned with us, it’s important for us to make those personal relationships not only through the embassy, but also through the military and the Guyana defense force, which is currently about 3,000 strong with the intent to nearly double it in the upcoming years.”

US and UK troops in Guyana are involved in Trump regime efforts to replace Venezuelan social democracy with US-controlled fascist puppet rule.

Zakharova stressed that US forces in nations bordering Venezuela are all about “caus(ing) destabiliz(ing) and violent acts” cross-border.

On Wednesday, Venezuelan President Maduro said the US is plotting a new conspiracy against the Bolivarian Republic from neighboring Colombia, adding:

“Yesterday, I declared the orange alert level for all branches of the Armed Forces…to protect the sovereignty and peace of Venezuela.” 

“And the military forces are already being deployed (to the Colombian border). Now, we are going to deploy our rocket air defense system from 10 September to 28 September.”

Days earlier, Maduro said large-scale military drills will be held near Venezuela’s border with Colombia to protect against hostile cross-border actions.

In late August, the Trump regime established a so-called Venezuela Affairs Unit (VAU) in Bogota, Colombia.

Its mission is all about aiming to oust legitimate Venezuelan President Maduro, wanting hardline/anti-democratic US-controlled puppet rule replacing him.

Several cross-border attacks were foiled, including an attempt to detonate an explosive at the Justice Palace in Caracas.

On Thursday, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez accused Trump regime-designated puppet/usurper in waiting Guaido of transferring Venezuelan bonds to the US and other nations, adding:

“The Venezuelan people know who Juan Guaido is. He does not (represent) a political project. (He’s a front man for) a criminal group.”

In July, Venezuela’s Minister of Communication Jorge Rodriguez said two Guaido security guards were seized, trying to sell stolen National Guard weapons ahead of the failed April 30 coup attempt. 

The above offenses and many others beg the question. Why hasn’t Venezuela held Guaido accountable for his lawless actions — notably sedition and treason against the state?

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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