Lucky 13, Clean and Crisp Provia Recipe

Provia film simulation recipe for a clean crisp look

With all the fuss and hype that surrounds the nostalgic simulations, like Classic Chrome and Classic Negative, poor old Provia doesn’t get much love. Let’s change that now with a simple recipe that makes just a few adjustments to this reliable workhorse film simulation.

In developing this recipe, I wanted to keep the neutral clean colour of Provia, but make small nods toward my soft tones style. So, we have gently softened highlights and shadows, a little less saturation, and for a crisp finish, some positive clarity. You can leave this off however, if you prefer to keep shooting uninterrupted by the processing delay.

Summer colours, captured with the Lucky 13 film recipe

Lucky 13 Film Recipe

  • Simulation: Provia
  • Grain Effect: Off
  • Colour Chrome Effect: Weak
  • Colour Chrome Blue: Weak (IV) / Off (V)
  • White Balance: Auto
  • WB Shift: +1 Red, -3 Blue
  • Dynamic Range: DR400
  • Highlights: -0.5
  • Shadows: +0.5
  • Colour: -2
  • Sharpness: +1
  • ISO Noise Reduction: -4
  • Clarity: +3
  • EV compensation: +1/3
Summer oats, with Provia and Lucky 13 film recipe
Backyard sunset, taken with Lucky 13 film recipe
Enjoying the warm driveway, with the Lucky 13 film recipe
Orange lily in the evening sun, Lucky 13 film recipe
Empty beaches, captured with Lucky 13 film recipe
Wet sand reflections, taken with Lucky 13 film recipe
Inflating the kite sail, with the Lucky 13 film recipe
Kitesurfers preparing, captured with the Lucky 13 film recipe
Sunlit kite sail, with Lucky 13 film recipe
Summer snacking in the flower garden, Lucky 13 film recipe
City footpath, with Lucky 13 film recipe
Walking trail, taken with Lucky 13 Provia film recipe
Choose your direction, Lucky 13 film recipe
Pathway through the oats, Lucky 13 film recipe

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FEATURED THREE – Try one of these on your next adventure!

Vintage Mood
Polaroid SX70

4 responses to “Lucky 13, Clean and Crisp Provia Recipe”

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I can’t wait to give it a try. I enjoy the film simulations, but wanted to find something that would give Provia a touch more of magic for daily photography. I find that Classic Chrome and Negative are just too stylized and “nostalgic” for day to day photography. This looks like exactly what I was looking for – thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It seems this one is labelled / tagged with Astia while it’s Provia if I’m not mistaken.

    You can delete this message without problem.


    • Thanks for letting me know. For a while, this was the only Provia recipe, so I didn’t want it to not be shown anywhere. But I have a few more Provia ones in development now, so it’s good to move it to its own category.


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