Karmachroma, a Mellow Lo-Fi Classic Chrome

A nostalgic classic chrome film simulation recipe for X-Trans IV cameras

Sometimes, I have a name for a recipe before I have the settings to go with it. This is one of those occasions, when hearing the lo-fi song by Massive Attack, I thought that I just had to make a recipe called Karmachroma.

In keeping with the mood of the song, I’ve devised a mellow and laid back recipe, with a warm tone and 1990’s lo-fi styling. It likes nice bright conditions, where it produces a retro image that reminds me somewhat of old prints and postcards.

This film recipe with Classic Chrome also marks a moment in the development of this recipe site, as it is film recipe no. 100 in the collection. I never expected to be able to devise so many distinct looks when I got started, but here we are with 100 recipes and still more to come!

Mellow toned view at the marina, with Karmachroma film recipe

Karmachroma Film Recipe

  • Simulation: Classic Chrome
  • Grain Effect: Strong, Small
  • Colour Chrome Effect: Weak
  • Colour Chrome Blue: Strong (IV) / Weak (V)
  • White Balance: Auto White Priority
  • WB Shift: +3 Red, -6 Blue
  • Dynamic Range: DR200
  • Highlights: +2.0
  • Shadows: -1.0
  • Color: -3
  • Sharpness: 0
  • ISO Noise Reduction: -4
  • Clarity: -2
  • EV compensation: -1/3 (to balance out the +2 highlights)

Take a look: From the late-September round of the Film Recipes Challenge, see the photos in the Karmachroma User Gallery.

Summer oat details, captured with Karmachroma film recipe
On the riverbank, with the Karmachroma film recipe
Little boats, some unloved, taken with Karmachroma film recipe
Nearly sunset on the shore, with Karmachroma film recipe
Karmachroma skies over the tennis court
A mellow colour tone to neutrals on a grey day. Karmachroma
A Karmachroma sunset with deep shadows and mellow colour
A walk around the fields, with Karmachroma film recipe
The old chapel in Royal Victoria Park, taken with Karmachroma
In the park in late afternoon, with Karmachroma film recipe
Mellow tones for good karma, with Karmachroma film recipe
A shady spot on the riverbank, Karmachroma film recipe
Brown butterfly resting in the sunlight, Karmachroma film recipe
The grandeur of Rhinefield House, with Karmachroma film recipe
Why stop at one reflecting pond? Captured with Karmachroma recipe
Enjoying the breezy weather, taken with Karmachroma
Shooting into the sun, gives a strong silhouette effect
The gulls know there are chips being eaten! Karmachroma recipe.

More mellow film recipes

Warm and mellow tones give a softer looking image, which is in some situations quite nostalgic. Here are a few other film recipes with a mellow character.

To see more photos taken with film recipes, and to share your photos with others, why not join our Film Recipes Facebook Group 📷

FEATURED THREE – Try one of these on your next adventure!

Vintage Mood
Polaroid SX70

10 responses to “Karmachroma, a Mellow Lo-Fi Classic Chrome”

  1. Autumn is definitely here! No interesting photos as I had to get to the farm to buy squashes and kale so I went to the woods right next to it. Amazing luck with the weather the other day.

    Yellow staghorn (Calocera viscosa): https://i.imgur.com/BL38dP4.jpg
    An ant’s perspective: https://i.imgur.com/Y17mjsT.jpg
    Chestnut: https://i.imgur.com/qqKKmy5.jpg
    Chestnut overhead shot: https://i.imgur.com/tHXELrm.jpg
    Sunlit trail: https://i.imgur.com/TV2kTZR.jpg
    Tracks: https://i.imgur.com/gUQJkr4.jpg
    Sun star: https://i.imgur.com/JqkcwpF.jpg
    2 massive squash centrepiece: https://i.imgur.com/zLWaDXP.jpg
    4 squashes and 2 fresh kale “bouquets” to take home: https://i.imgur.com/GTTsoMP.jpg
    Cheap and nutritious seasonal dinners: https://i.imgur.com/djugWed.jpg

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Second set. Thankfully it stopped raining yesterday.

    Gate: https://i.imgur.com/NzKa6h9.jpg
    Cinematic glow: https://i.imgur.com/8pcqyS0.jpg
    Framed by leaves and branches: https://i.imgur.com/BFjsSqA.jpg
    Alone in the woods: https://i.imgur.com/tZt5q12.jpg
    Bigger than the width of my shoes! (same mushroom as above): https://i.imgur.com/ayCsi6o.jpg
    Conifer bokeh (pronounced “boh-keh”, “keh” as in “bou_quet_”. So far I’ve only heard horrible ways people pronounce this beautiful word): https://i.imgur.com/lAUfY6k.jpg
    Mushrooms on an old stump: https://i.imgur.com/p6t2YZ1.jpg
    Another perspective of the above: https://i.imgur.com/VO7GShx.jpg
    Early autumn foliage colour palette: https://i.imgur.com/U69AQdb.jpg
    Golden hour bike path on the way home from the woods: https://i.imgur.com/klhNwJb.jpg

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for adding my photos to the new gallery. Nice to see other people’s photos as I’m not on social media.

    PS: it’s a she 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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