Expired 400, Photos from Old Film Rolls

Classic Chrome film recipe for a green toned expired film look

Shooting on film has become something of a specialist hobby now, with film prices higher than ever and processing labs few and far between. However, the cool kids on the Gram, Vero and Threads are still showing how it’s done, and processing their own film at home. For an added retro twist, some are using old rolls of expired film, bringing new tones to the table.

Some of the elements seen in expired film can be captured with our Fujifilm cameras, and I now have a small selection to choose from. My Aged Kodak Portra is a personal favourite, along with Expired Geographic and of course, the pink toned Expired Film 66.

For this new variation, I wanted a look that brought the expired green tint along with a flattened tone curve as a nod to the fade effect seen in many expired film images. The result is both striking but welcoming, and is certainly full of expired character. It’s not perhaps an everyday choice, but I really enjoy shooting with it in sunny conditions, and I’m sure you will do too.

Autumn leaves, captured with Expired 400 film recipe

Expired 400 Film Recipe

  • Simulation: Classic Chrome
  • Grain Effect: Weak, Small
  • Colour Chrome Effect: Weak
  • Colour Chrome Blue: Strong (IV) / Weak (V)
  • White Balance: Auto
  • WB Shift: +2 Red, -9 Blue
  • Dynamic Range: DR400
  • Highlights: -1.0
  • Shadows: -2.0
  • Color: -4
  • Sharpness: -2
  • ISO Noise Reduction: -4
  • Clarity: -4
  • EV compensation: +1/3
Sunlit frosty ferns, using the Expired 400 film recipe
A boat with a job to do, captured with Expired Film 400 recipe
Fishing boat on the pebble beach, with the Expired Film 400 recipe
Winter webs on the frozen gorse, using Expired 400 film recipe
Shaded lougers with a sea view, Expired 400 Film recipe
Pine tree details, captured with Expired 400 film recipe
A day at the beach with the Expired 400 Film recipe
A lazy hazy afternoon, with the green tones of Expired Film 400 recipe
Spring bluebells, captured with Expired 400 Film recipe
Shoot towards the light for a fade effect, with Expired 400 Film recipe
Green leaves and inviting roads. Expired 400 Film recipe
Expired 400 Film recipe works well in bright sunlight
Looking at the big house from across the pond. Expired 400 Film recipe
Swans are elegant birds. Expired 400 Film recipe
This one is eating water weeds snacks, Expired 400 Film recipe
Early morning at the marina, Expired 400 Film recipe
A warm and calm morning, using Expired 400 Film recipe
A sunny afternoon down the lane, with Expired 400 Film recipe
Scenes from the seaside, using the Expired 400 Film recipe
The summer crops are coming on well. Expired 400 Film recipe
Greens and yellows, captured with the Expired 400 Film recipe

To see more photos taken with film recipes, and to share your photos with others, why not join our Film Recipes Facebook Group 📷

FEATURED THREE – Try one of these on your next adventure!

Vintage Mood
Polaroid SX70

3 responses to “Expired 400, Photos from Old Film Rolls”

  1. Hi Justine how are you? I’m writing to you from Italy! I have a question for you. When you say EV compensation +1/3 what do you mean? Do I set that compensation before shooting? Always? I really appreciate your work! Thank you, ciao ciao! 😉

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