The Curse of Mizzling Grove

My kickstarter for Zinequest: the Curse of Mizzling Grove is now live!

Check it out here!

I’m really proud of this one! I’m holding myself back a little compared to all my other projects, and so this is a constrained, 20 room dungeon and its immediate surrounds, laid out clearly with a one location per page layout.

The layout is clean and easy to follow with a few excellent innovations I’ve drawn from Nightwick Abbey (Beyond the Pale does something similar too, but less elegant and I didn’t see it until afterwards) and it looks good. Niosis is doing stellar work on the art.

It’s completely written and laid out. I’m hoping to playtest it a little more before I send it out to backers and the only thing we’re waiting on is the last few pieces of art before we send it to print!

It’s 100% funded and I hit launch one hour ago, so I’m pretty confident the next two weeks of campaign will go just fine.

If you’re interested in a little location to drop into any fantasy adventure game you’re running (it’s statted for B/X, but it’s not mechanically difficult to convert at all), this is a module for you, and the digital copy is only about USD$10!

Anyway, back the Curse of Mizzling Grove! Every little bit counts!

Idle Cartulary

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February 2024

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