Crowfall Gaming Harvesting

Crowfall Logging

I’m not fully maxed out yet, but I had some requests about sharing my build and tips concerning logging (most of them can be applied to other professions).

So, here we go :

1 – Race/Class combo :

Guinecean Duelist is the best one by far, and for most gathering professions. An argument could be made about motherloads harvesting but there are no logging one, so 100% Guinecean.
People say they are hamsters but I can tell you mine is a beaver, cutting trees like there’s no tomorrow.
Edit : High-Elf is actually a better harvester BUT will die more often than Guinecean if ganked.

Professor Cake.

They can escape more easily than many others which is crucial if you do not want to harvest for others (you drop half what you harvested when you die, and 100% of everything else).
And they have access to a 3rd ring slot, which is far better for crafters than it is for gatherers but is still very good (carefull tho, you can only equip rings with the same gem twice, you have to pick another gem for the 3rd one).

Duelists if they take the 4 stats nodes talents have a very high dexterity, which is the main logging stat (even if I beg to differ, more on that later) and intelligence which is incredibly important, for any harvesting profession.

For a logger, I like Dirge because you have to kill the bears (often) and the very annoying elks (sometimes) before cutting some of the trees, and Dirge stays full life doing so. And I swear, the guy that coded elks behaviour HATES you, you WILL have to kill some (elks, not coders).

2 – Talents, Disciplines, Stats :

Talents :

Cake’s logger spec

Disciplines :

As a harvester, you want two things, safety and efficiency.

Which is why I chose Tunnel King, to have another “blink” helping me escape ganks for safety.
The Tunnel minor would give me the same perk, but would then prevents me to take Careless Whisper which is a biiig DPS increase.

And Troubadour, which combined with Song of Speed gives me +40% run speed for efficiency.
(the song twisting tooltip is misleading, it’s the 3rd song that you sing that will be boosted, and the snare from Troubadour, Consonant Chains, counts as a song)
You can also switch your song to boosted Requiem to have +20% damage before attacking a boss.

Logger should be self explanatory.

Hoarder is to be at high stamina all the time and never stop logging. The only other good one for logging is Villein for the 50% less tool decay rate.

Hoarder, wearing a lavender pullover.

Song of Speed to zoom to the next tree.

Careless Whisper to kill bears/elks faster, so I can resume logging faster, chop chop!


Cake’s logger stats, unbuffed, no axe.

I cannot talk about stats without mentioning equipment.

Both weapons are wartribe drops, nothing fancy (when dual wielding only the primary weapon damage is taken into account, for the off hand only the stats matter).

Full blue crafted armor, max durability, with 4 + logging crit chance enchants (when I’ll have to redo it in the future, I’ll use 2 crit chance and 2 crit amount ones).
Green harvesting necklace, made with a legendary gem, +25 harvesting all (be aware that this is bugged for logging and doesn’t provide the harvesting benefits! Edit : it now works properly hurray!!).
2 logging rings, +8 each.
Last ring is a +3 intelligence cap that helped me reach 225 int.

Why 225 int ?
It is because I absolutely want to reach critical amount logging 2 and I do not trust the game with rounding up things nicely.
So I added points in intelligence until I could read 2.01 on the character details sheet.
I do not want to have 1.999999, rounded up to 2.00 on the sheet, but doesn’t work cause it’s not actually 2.00.
I do not think the game rewards you for having decimals for that particular stat, I think that having 1.999999 may count as having 1.
So better be safe than sorry, I went for 2.01 which is 225 int to reach big boy logging state.

Cake after reaching 225 int.

3 – Progression :

Stop thinking in terms of “I’m Lego/Lego! I’m good!”.
It’s not how it works, Lego/Lego is intermediate level, not even advanced, and far from being maxed out.

Get to Legendary discipline/Epic belt, then work on your jewellery.
Lego belt is +15 logging and some almost useless stats. Plus a “power” that isn’t that good with the magical coin (in my opinion beneficial harvest is the best, even if it’s not great).
Harvesting necklace alone is already >20 harvest all, much, MUCH better than the +3 improvement you get from the belt (epic grants 12).

Rush 113 int and get one +crit amount enchant to reach crit amount 2 unbuffed.
As soon as possible, rush 225 int and get two +crit amount enchants to reach crit amount 3 unbuffed, stay with only one till you reach 225 int (vessel and jewelry are the way to go past 200 int cap).
The other enchants should be +crit chance.

When all of this is done, finish your Legendary belt (for quarrying I’d do different, the legendary belt being very good).

1 good tree down. As you can see stamina is still very high.

4 – Tips :

Use a food buff and a drink buff, you can have both at the same time.
Kebab as a beginner, Sandwich as an intermediate or when your tool is bad, and Campfire Stew when advanced for the food.
Spicy Chocolate Milk for the drink.
Add a potion as a beginner (and even later for some professions, not for logging tho).

Pips : As a beginner/intermediate use the 4-1-2 rotation.
When you reach advanced or close to it, switch to the 1-3-3 rotation, and when maxed out only use 3.

Cake’s Thoughts :

Logging isn’t the most important gathering profession, a lot of low level wood is needed but it can be knotwood than anybody can harvest.
High level materials are not in high demand and your guild won’t build the logging building fast if at all.
Beeswax and heartwood are important tho.

That being said, it’s an easy profession to pick up, you can contribute to your guild war effort or make a living out of it if you choose to do so, just be aware it would be easier with any other gathering discipline.

In the future, I’ll branch out to mining and work on being a Runemaker.
This way I ‘ll be able to use the wood+ore to craft tools, and contribute better, as there is a constant need of ore.
Should be easier than levelling logging for me since I won’t waste the ton of energy and gold I used testing things…

Now go and raze every forest you can find (except mine ofc)!

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