Preeti’s March 2023 Update


One of my SRE classes this term has been all about God’s plan of salvation through Jesus. The kid’s have been learning about God’s perfect and good creation, and the most special of his creation: people. They’ve been grappling with sin and how it ruins the world. They’ve also been awed by Jesus, how he came to look for the lost and defeat sin forever! It has been such a pleasure to teach them the gospel throughout the term, and watch them become more and more interested in knowing Jesus.

To help them remember what they learnt, I send a craft home with them. A highlight has been hearing some of the kids tell their friends, parents and even teachers what they learnt in SRE this week! One of the kids told his teacher that ‘we used to follow our way, but we need to follow God’s way’. Another told her friend that ‘today we made and coloured in a fish, because God made the fishes and everything else’. I’m sensing some future MTS-ers in this class!!


One of my classes at college is run by the Ministry Support Team form Youthworks. A couple weeks ago, we’ve been thinking about our ministry principles, and why we believe what we believe. Using Andrew Cameron’s framework in his book ‘Joined Up Life’, I’ve been thinking quite a lot about what the whole Bible has to say about something. In the picture above, we were demonstrating what it does to the rest of our principles, if we take away one.

In thinking specifically about kids and youth: I’ve learned that children are created and loved by God, that they are dignified by God, that God commands adults to teach kids about him, and that kids will have a place in the New Creation. I’m still thinking through how all these principles impact practice – but it was good to be reminded that any kids and youth ministries are not meaningless.

Praise Points:

  • Give thanks for the kids at St. John’s and the kids in SRE
  • Give thanks for the Ministry Support Team from Youthworks and their passion for and wisdom in kids and youth ministry

Pray for:

  • Pray that all my ministry practices would come from the Bible
  • Pray that I would always remember the importance of kids and youth
  • Pray that the kids in my SRE class would keep loving and trusting Jesus, and continue to be excited about him

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