4 Marvelous Roald Dahl Books Which Enthralled our Childhood

How often do you get nostalgic of how awesome your childhood was?

Definitely, very often, ’cause your childhood introduced you to many of the best writers in the world, owing to the fact that writing for children in an appealing way isn’t necessarily an easy task.

So, majority of writers whose books enthralled our childhood days were so famous, because they executed the difficult task of writing such wonderfully! And while thinking of them, the name which immediately pops up in my mind is none other than Roald Dahl.

As last month, on 13th, we observed the 105th Birthday of the world’s best storyteller, here is a blog recollecting some scattered thoughts on Roald Dahl’s books which we can never part with:

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Almost every child who read the book or watched either of the movies atleast once wished to get the Willy Wonka’s golden ticket to the giant, marvelous chocolate factory. Besides, the book warned us of the dangers of being greedy, disobedient and addicted to watching TV or chewing gums. The book ends drawing a prologue of its sequel Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, another fun read.


Who didn’t get amazed after reading Matilda? How a genius, little kid tactfully tricked and punished villainous adults left us wondering whether we could achieve the same cognitive abilities and telekinetic powers by some secret ways! Matilda remains to be one of the best children’s books written till date.


Didn’t you use those special BFG lingo like scrumdiddlyumptious, gobblefunking,etc. infront of your friends who didn’t read the book just to sound extra mean? Ofcourse we don’t promote eccentric behaviour, but the entire BFG universe made us think of ourselves differently, as a human bean!

Boy : Tales of Childhood

The autobiography of the storyteller himself, portrayed in a wonderful storylike way. If only we could have observed our childhood such minutely and pen it down such meticulously! This book doesn’t require much discussion, as it is what it is!

Even though we wished so much to express our thoughts on all the other amazing books written by Roald Dahl, we have to end here to keep stuff concise.

Share this to all your book lover friends and to those who haven’t read these books yet!

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22 thoughts on “4 Marvelous Roald Dahl Books Which Enthralled our Childhood

  1. I rarely read fiction, but I make an exception with Roald Dahl. He was a very engaging writer, who’d had an interesting life, which probably explains why it’s hard to see the join between fact and fiction in some of his stories!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These books are really good! I have read and yes, I suggest everyone to read these books as these are very good! Bold choice👍🏻👍🏻❤️ And btw I have read every single book of Roald Dahl and I read them thrice. 😛😂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve read all of these except Boy: Tales of Childhood, but I’ve heard of it and definitely would want to read it! I adored the worldbuilding in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the plot of Matilda, and Sophie and the BFG!

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