Shop Tours Tools

Shop Tour: Fabrics.

I’ve been dragging my feet writing a blog about my work, so decided to start with something easy to talk about, my workspace. I’m based out of a corner of my partner’s leatherworking shop, so my set up is always changing to suit the project at hand. Currently, I’m working on some cotton wrapping cloths and have everything out for fabric craft.

Cutting set up

Starting with the cutting of the fabric: I’m using a rotary tool and acrylic ruler with cutting mat. You’ll see a mix of brands here. Fiskars mat and ruler plus an Omnigrip. Olfa rotary tool, this one is a little more ergonomic than others and has a far superior cutting edge. Mid-20th century Wiss shears I restored to round out the cutters. Expect another post on cutting fabric, this is my level 3 set-up, I’ll share what level 1 and 2 look like + cutting synthetics.


Moving on to pressing: A yard of canvas serves as my ironing “board,” a surprisingly versatile setup. I currently use a Sunbeam traveling iron, works great for pressing seams and hems. I just acquired the Clover hot ruler and I’m still learning to use it to make clean miter corners.

Sewing machine and tools

Sewing: Just got this Singer HD 6800 computerized machine. It’s my first computerized machine and sounds like a printer. I prefer control, and I seem to have more than I have ever had, even compared to my servo’d Sailrite LSZ1. Needle up/down is life changing. I also have the extension table, which is very useful when you don’t have a dedicated sewing area. Expect a review. Here I’m using Coats thread, but I have Gutermann around as well. Chopstick folding tool, for getting the points clean on the miter corners, generic thread cutter, and bic lighter fir finishing thread ends round out my sewing tools.

Honorable mentions for future posts: My Sailrite LSZ1 will have a review with some mods/set up hacks soon. I’m also restoring a late 50s Kenmore machine and an 80’s mechanical Singer and will write up some of the process for those with a machine in the attic that needs some love.

Thanks for reading, please leave any question below in the comments!

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