Here and there…

It was my mother-in-law’s birthday on Sunday and we had a little celebration at their house on Satuday night, just the immediate family including my sister-in-law from Kuching and my brother-in-law and his wife from Bintulu plus the grandson from KL and the grand-daughter from Singapore.

In previous years, we would all go out to some restaurant outside but this year, my mother-in-law is no longer all that mobile and considering the hassle of getting her there just to eat and all the way back again, we decided to have the dinner at home instead.

My in-laws went and ordered a few dishes from here and there, including these Foochow sio bee (RM1.60 each)…

Hock Chiu Leu sio bee

…from here and also a few dishes from here, such as the sweet and sour fish fillet…

Sweet and sour fish fillet

…and these huge freshwater prawns (RM90.00)…

Freshwater prawns

…as well as the sea cucumber soup and my brother-in-law’s favourite egg omelette with lap cheong (Chinese sausage) and when they said that they paid RM150.00 for all those, I knew that most of that went to the prawns – those things are a killer really!

They also got the mee mamak and this curry bihun

Curry bihun

…from this restaurant but we did not go out to get anything as my missus said she would want to cook a few dishes of her own.

Her kacang ma chicken…

Kacang ma chicken

…was a hit all round and my mother-in-law especially enjoyed it so much! Unfortunately, like our daging masak hitam, it is not all that photogenic for any snapshot to do it much justice.

Her asparagus with sambal udang kering (dried prawns)…

Sambal asparagus

…were very nice too and she also cooked this chicken curry…

Chicken curry

…another of my in-laws’ favourites everytime they came to dinner at our house. At the end of the day, I would say that nothing beats one’s own home-cooked delights, that’s for sure.

It was a simple celebration, nothing grand but it was indeed most meaningful and an opportunity to get together with one’s loved ones to share the joy on a very special and auspicious occasion.

Author: suituapui

Ancient relic but very young at heart. Enjoys food and cooking...and travelling and being with friends.

13 thoughts on “Here and there…”

  1. Oh yes, totally agree. I would definitely go for those home-cooked dishes first at any potluck (except the ones that I cooked lah coz that dish will be horrible. Haha. )

    I can feel the crunch of the asparagus dy. I am hungry at this hour. I am all alone downstairs with nothing to eat. Sobs.

    Nothing to eat downstairs? What is there to eat upstairs? Muahahahahahaha!!!!!

  2. Lovely celebration for your MIL. Wish her Happy Belated Birthday. May she enjoys good health, joy and love with many many more celebration to come.

    Thank you for your good wishes.

  3. Homecooked food is always the best and most important, everyone enjoys what you have whipped up for them. Oh my, I love the kacangma & sio bee. I can have alot of them. Happy Belated Blessed Birthday to your MIL.

    Thank you. Indeed, not so healthy, eating out especially at Chinese places – lots of msg, oily. Nothing beats homecooked.

  4. Happy birthday to your mother in law πŸ™‚ The siao bee looks so so delicious, I would love to eat them with my Kewpie mayo.. First time I see curry bihun, looks like kunyit bihun..

    Kewpie? Strange combination. It’s not kunyit, it’s curry. They just added curry powder – I think I can do better. πŸ˜‰

  5. Happy Birthday! Sio Bee at Rm 1.60 each? Must be very good to sell at that price

    Thanks. I just saw the chicken dumplings in your Facebook post, RM8.90 for 3…and chicken is cheap here, pork is expensive. I rest my case.

  6. Whether simple or grand celebration, it’s the thoughts that count and also coming together as a family to celebrate the occasion…


  7. Before i forget, Happy Belated Birthday to Auntie…

    Thank you. You almost did, eh? Hehehehehe!!!!

  8. You did not cook a dish to bring along? I guess we can’t have two cooks in the kitchen, eh? If I remember correctly, you mentioned that you wanted to whip up that omelette for your brother-in-law πŸ˜€

    When somebody is cooking up a storm in the kitchen, it is best to keep out of harm’s way. Hehehehehe!!!! I did not know he was going to order the omelette or I could have easily whipped up one for him, a whole lot nicer. This one was thick, half an inch at least, not fragrant, no crispy edges…and he said very nice. Gee!!! I wonder what he will say when he gets to taste mine. Hehehehe!!!!

  9. Very nice dishes. The asparagus sambal udang kering sounds very good. I’ll try making that one day, as I like asparagus quite a lot.

    It went very well with the sambal – normally we would fry our wild jungle ferns or kangkong this way, never tried with asparagus. As a matter of fact, we seldom buy asparagus – may have it once in a while outside (and they do not cook it like this, just plain with garlic usually) – so very expensive here.

  10. Belated birthday to you MIL.

    Sio bee looks very delicious and plump. There must be abundance of good ingredients inside for that price.

    Thank you.

    Lots of meat but not too much, just the right combination. Some places here, they are cheaper but they may not taste so nice…or theirs is all sengkuang or cabbage or very fatty pork…or worse, flour and some are much smaller, maybe around half the size…for around RM1.00 or even 80 sen!

  11. The kacang ma chicken dish may not look ultra-photogenic, but I’d still like a scoop of it – it looks like a very satisfying dinner dish! πŸ˜‰

    You will not stop at just one scoop, I assure you – I am certain you will keep on going for more and more. Lots of our traditional Chinese white wine, not sweet like the one I had in KL, so so so nice.

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