I’m easy…

I bought a pack of these instant noodles…

Mi E-Zee

…the other day, rated 4 out of 5 stars by the ramenrater. I would say that was a very smart move, printing the endorsement on the pack…


– I wouldn’t have bought it otherwise – even though there are others that have been given a 5 like our own made-in-Sibu instant kampua, the dark soy sauce version. Personally, I prefer the original – the one with the light soy sauce but that one was also given a 4 out of 5 only. I guess that goes to show that one man’s meat is another man’s poison and one may prefer something to another according to one’s own taste and liking. I know for one that my friend, Annie, in KL loves the dark soy sauce version but my friend from New Zealand (who initially could not believe that anything that pale and plain-looking could ever taste nice) thought otherwise. To each his own, that’s what I always say, to each his own!

Inside, there was only one sachet – the soup base…

Soup base

These days, many have taken to giving two or three of this and that but I do think that at the end of the day, it is the overall taste that matters.

I cooked the noodles, drained and rinsed in cold water…


…before placing it in a bowl even though I did read a more recent report that there wouldn’t be any harm just boiling it and adding the seasoning and eating without going through all that.

Then I brought a little bit more water to boil, added the soup base and mixed it well before pouring it into the bowl…

Soup added

…with the noodles.

Finally, I garnished it with some sliced omelette…

Omelette added

…and sat down to enjoy the fruit of my labour.

It was not salty like some of the others. Normally, I would just boil a little bit of water and use only half of the seasoning but for this one, I used all of it and it was all right. In fact, I thought it was a little on the sweet side, not quite like curry and if it had been thick, I would think it would be a little similar to the gravy in mee jawa. It certainly was spicy though – I had that lingering sensation in the mouth for quite a while after I had downed everything in the bowl.

All in all, I thought it was all right especially when it was only RM3.60 for a pack of 5, just a little over 70 sen each. I did not add anything this time around as I wanted to try the original taste but if I had thrown in some meat or fish balls or prawns and maybe a bit of vegetables, that would surely bring the taste to a whole new level. Perhaps I can try a dry version one of these days to see how that works out…

Author: suituapui

Ancient relic but very young at heart. Enjoys food and cooking...and travelling and being with friends.

10 thoughts on “I’m easy…”

  1. oooo i hadn’t heard of the ramen rater before … how many stars would you have rated this ramen? πŸ˜€

    You haven’t? He’s pretty well-known. Me? I probably would give it a 3 out of 5, nice but by virtue of the fact that it did not really taste like curry.

  2. Wow look at that! I’m pretty happy they wanted to put my logo on their package but really really happy to know you bought it because of that – that’s a real compliment! Thank you! Glad you liked it! CarJEN also makes a Nyonya Curry Laksa which is really awesome too.

    Ooooo…a celebrity in da’haus!!! Your first time here or you’ve been here before, seeing that you did not have to await moderation? Never mind, welcome an dthanks for dropping by and commenting, it’s an honour, truly! πŸ˜‰

    I’m not really into nyonya curry laksa. Over here, we prefer our own Sarawak laksa, not so rich with coconut milk. Even the famous TV personality, Bourdain, is a fan:
    There are the instant ones too – not bad, quite like the real thing but they use noodles instead of rice vermicelli as what they do in the real thing: Ah yes…you’ve reviewed that too, I see:

  3. Nice plate you have there, free gift? Spicy?…not for me then. Anything with extra ingredients added definitely brings the taste to a whole new level. It’s raining cats & dogs outside now and your bowl of ramen makes me drooling.

    You’re not? I thought Kuching people like it hot not like the ones here in Sibu…but we’re learning – we do have spicy stuff here and there too these days.

    That’s right, the bowl’s a free gift. Most of what we use in the house are free gifts.

    Yes, I saw all the photos on Facebook – raining so heavily, flooding everywhere. Best to stay home, make do with what’s in the pantry or the fridge.

  4. I’ll love to give this a try and WOW Ramen Rater himself commented on your blog!

    Gee!!! And Thanis Lim is here too, gotta be my lucky day! πŸ˜€ Hope I’ll strike the jackpot tonight, fingers crossed. πŸ˜‰

  5. Wow – nice visit from the Ramen Rater. I used to read his blog, especially his visit to Malaysia, but have not done so of late.

    Oh? Can’t remember if I’ve seen that but I do drop by sometimes to browse through her reviews.

  6. Rm3.60 cheap la. Too bad kari instant noodle is not for me. If got asam laksa or tom yam type then ok la. Yumz

    Didn’t look at the other flavours available, not too sure what they else have.

  7. Yes, indeed cheap, Arthur! I normally go for the original flavour… chicken mushroom when it comes to instant noodles…

    Curry for me, not into chicken unless it is our made-in-Sibu Mee Daddy – theirs is a head above the rest!

  8. There are so many brands of these instant noodles. I do like to browse at the supermarket but I have not bought any.

    More and more and more. Never seen this brand before – I only bought to try because of the endorsement.

All opinions expressed in my blog are solely my own, that is my prerogative - you may or may not agree, that is yours. To each his/her own. For food and other reviews, you may email me at sibutuapui@yahoo.com