Shooting Sports Workshops

We have some dates for range workshops setup and a lot of information to share with you.

Please visit the sign up genius site at the following link to sign up for a time slot.

Sign up Range workshops

The workshops are as follows:

  1. Beginning Pistol set for May 20 – 105 E Lincolnway – signup for a timeslot – If this workshop fills up and there are more interested we’ll hold another one.  Will only need eye protection.
  2. Tentative NPCCC range workshops waiting on final approval – please  save the following dates.  An update will be sent once these have been confirmed.  These will run 6PM to sunset.  Will include Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun.  Dependent on Instructor availability.
    1. May 27 – Thursday 
    2. June 8 – Tuesday
    3. June 17 – Thursday
    4. June 30 – Wednesday
  3. Archery workshops – 105 E Lincolnway – signup for a timeslot on one of the following dates.  Will try to schedule a couple more.  Depends on interest.
    1. June 10 – Thursday
    2. June 12 – Saturday
    3. June 22 – Tuesday
  4. Outdoor Pursuits / Sport Fishing – TBD – ideas for a workshop welcome.

Please wear appropriate clothing and shoes to the workshops.  Please do not wear open toed sandals or flip flop type of shoe as these are a tripping hazard and we want to keep you safe.

We have eye and ear protection for everyone.  If you have your own please feel free to bring them.

Any adult that is interested in being a volunteer or an instructor please let me know so I can get that process started.

Looking forward to seeing you at the workshops.

Thank you,

Sheila Lucas
