[Review] Emma by Jane Austen

Genre: Classic, Romance


Image from Goodreads

Emma Woodhouse is a young girl who all her life has been fancied by all those around her. She has been spoiled and loved by her father, sister, and governess and she has done nothing but let it feed into her ego. The only one who points out when she does wrong is her brother-in-law, Mr. George Knightly, and it doesn’t bother her one bit for she values his opinion greatly. Aside from that however, Emma feels she knows best, especially when it comes to the lives of those around her.

When her governess, Ms. Taylor get’s married and becomes Mrs. Weston, Emma realizes how she had seen from the beginning how good a match it was and is determined to try and make all those around her happy such as Mrs. Weston is happy. Of course, meddling in the lives of others does come with some complications. Emma goes about her life, making friends and meddling in their lives until she is content. She will learn that there are consequences but will it be too late at that point? Will she have already hurt all those she loves and ultimately sacrifice her own happiness?


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Whenever I read a classic, I need to get myself used to the writing style. Classics are always entertaining but I sometimes find that the style makes it difficult not to zone out. So I try listening to the book and realize that it doesn’t help and I find myself zoning into everything BUT the audiobook. I have officially discovered that the best thing to do when reading classic books is to listen to the audiobook and follow along with it! That way, I can easily notice the tone of the writing (which is usually difficult to perceive when reading older writing) and it helps me zone out any distractions in the world around me. So if you ever struggle reading a classic, but you know that you’re enjoying the story, I suggest you try that and see if it helps. I don’t believe the audiobooks are too expensive. I got the Emma audiobook for free in my Audible membership.

Anyway, onto the review! I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters were so enjoyable and Emma herself was a very complex character and I couldn’t help but find her relatable. Yes, she is an unlikable character but I feel that she has flaws that many people carry. She feels that she knows everything there is to know and it eventually bites her in the butt. She also has one person that points out her flaws and she knows that it’s a good thing she has that person in her life. She also has a deep sense of carrying for those around her.

On top of all that, even though she is spoiled, it doesn’t mean she has a bad heart. She loves her family and her friends and absolutely hates the pain she causes them when she meddles. I really found that part relatable. I make a lot of mistakes when it comes to family and friends and it’s difficult for me to move on from the wrong I’ve caused, even if everyone else has. I got to say that it was really nice to see a character like Emma who I can relate to. I felt for Emma as she seemed to, at times, scramble to fix what she had done and I could almost feel the anxiety she felt for when she did wrong. I can’t correctly put into words how much seeing this type of character represented in such a classic, widely-read novel.

Okay, onto less deep topics! I cannot get over how much I love Mr. Knightley. He is so witty and blunt that I absolutely adore him! He humbles Emma in a way that shows he cares. I know that sounds weird but hear me out. He knows how good of a person she is and he sees that she loves those around her. The only thing he’s trying to do when being blunt with her is to show her how her behavior could be perceived by others. He wants her to see the foolishness she exhibits at times and how her meddling and “I know everything” attitude won’t get her far in life. By doing this as long as they’ve known each other, he’s cultivated a trusting relationship with her because she sees how honest he is. I believe that subconsciously, Emma knew she needed that one person in her life that wouldn’t coddle her when she didn’t deserve it. Ugh… he was just such an important and amazing character and the more I think of it, the more sure of it I get!

If you like classics, then I highly recommend you read this beautiful book!

Age Rating


I only say this because of reading level! There is absolutely nothing inappropriate about this book but it is more difficult to read because it is older. If you feel your child has a high enough reading level and their younger than 13, then I will tell you it is completely appropriate for them.

Language: There is no language in this book

Sexual Content: There is only mention of romantic feelings but no kissing or sexual scenes of any kind

Violence: I hope this is obvious but there is no violence… this is a Jane Austen book for crying out loud! The only “Jane Austen” book that has violence is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL JANE AUSTEN BOOK😂

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