Travels, Wellness Journeys, Wellness Real Estate
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Berlin to Copenhagen

Between a cozy Kneipe in Berlin and a hyggelig hotel lounge in Copenhagen, a seasoned cyclist travels along the Berlin to Copenhagen Bicycle Route, completing the journey in under a week.

We may not all strive to be seasoned cyclists, but when you want to explore something new, appreciate European capitals, coziness, and cultural experiences; love national parks and being in nature — and resonate with the idea of environmentally friendly vacations: here’s your sign.

As post-pandemic travel surged, so have accounts of the escalating costs, declining quality, long lines and delays, and misadventures at airports and aboard cramped flights. The phrase “travel isn’t fun anymore” has become like a punctuation mark at the end of dispiriting narratives.

To reclaim the vitality of traveling, let us reclaim the journey itself. It is not only about a destination; it is also the way that we lean into: the places we travel through, mindful and flexible, at a human pace — and the people, nature, and cultural expressions we observe and interact with along the way.

It is about what emerges from within — when given the space — and weaves together with what is out there. The essence is in the transformative power of human-scale activities. While that kind of long-distance travel has existed for ages, it has attracted a devoted and venturesome set. 

Long-distance bicycle routes

We think of sinewy, ultra-fit cyclists – often in colorful clusters with a professional or semi-pro air about them.

We see them on the road – curved over handlebars, working hard, as we slow down and maneuver around them in our cars.

Long-distance routes have been their domain.

But encouragingly, more of us are being welcomed to this sphere–to remedy an over-reliance on cars and to share in the wellbeing benefits of cycling. Journeys such as the Berlin to Copenhagen Bicycle Route are opening up to a wider range of individuals, of various ages and fitness levels.

How long-distance bicycle routes are becoming more welcoming

One of the key factors contributing to this accessibility is the rise of pedal electric cycles (pedelecs), as well as the more powerful S-pedelecs and other e-bikes. For many newcomers to these routes, renting an e-bike for a one-way trip and combining cycling with train travel can make the journey feasible and allow for a more leisurely pace. Adaptive bicycles are also allowing individuals with disabilities or reduced mobility to participate. These bicycles, along with the necessary charging stations, parts, and equipment are improving in availability, affordability, and safety. More of us can now embark on long-distance cycling routes.

Apps such as Komoot and Windfinder provide route maps, real-time weather reports, and other essential information to facilitate the planning and navigation of cycling trips.

Details to design an itinerary can be found on the official Bike-Berlin-Copenhagen website. Accommodations also can be researched and booked through Bed and Bike.

More support is on the way

The European Commission recently adopted a proposal on 4 October 2023 for a European Declaration on Cycling. This declaration focuses on “significantly increasing safe and coherent cycling infrastructure across Europe”.

There is also an expressed commitment to “connectivity within and between rural and urban areas, especially…to create multimodal mobility services”. 

Beyond infrastructure, there are programs to provide technical support and fund initiatives that encourage more individuals to choose cycling as a sustainable mode of transportation.

The Berlin to Copenhagen Bicycle Route connects two must-experience European capitals and is comprised of a land journey and a two-hour ferry crossing of the Baltic Sea. The route (about 640 kilometers / 400 miles) is well-marked, with mostly paved, dedicated bike paths.

Highlights along the route include Lake Stechlin, Müritz National Park, Stevns Klint, the white cliffs of the Island of Møn, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ishøj.

For those looking ahead and considering a long-term investment, a holiday home along the route offers the opportunity to access the bicycle route at one’s convenience as well as to accommodate guests.

The first stop from the German capital on the Berlin—Copenhagen Bicycle Route, located 24 kilometers (15 miles) from the Brandenburg Gate is the town of Hennigsdorf.


The achterspring vacation condominium project in Hennigsdorf is located near the town’s marina, where one can enjoy refreshments and leisure activities — and near bike paths, including the Berlin—Copenhagen Bicycle Route.

The three-story complex is being developed and constructed in accordance with the green building standards of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

In addition to being situated along the Berlin—Copenhagen Bicycle Route, the achterspring vacation condos will offer picturesque views of the water and nearby marina, with the added option of boat moorings for condo owners.

A pathway and transition into a new lifestyle

Cycling, cycling holidays, and human-scale living: these offer opportunities to shift into a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle. Making these lifestyle choices can bring about a profound transformation, allowing us to connect more deeply with nature and enhance the collective environmental consciousness. Remember, something new often comes from something new.

DIFOG mbH and the writer of this post consult on the achterspring condominium project, and promote sustainability in holiday homes and regenerative design.


European Commission proposes list of principles to boost cycling across Europe (4 October 2023)

Bike Way Berlin-Copenhagen – information about the route from Dansk Cykelturisme, Tourismusverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., and Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V. — including helpful information about alternative transport options for the route

Arken Museum of Contemporary Art in Ishøj, Denmark

One Way Bike Tours – to rent a bicycle in Berlin or Copenhagen for a one-way trip

Bed and Bike – cyclist-friendly accommodation options along the route

Komoot – app for planning cycling and hiking routes (and also the premium multi-day planner)

Windfinder – app for wind and weather forecasts, maps, and real time weather reports

DGNB – the German Sustainable Building Council

achterspring – condominium project in Hennigsdorf, Germany

Feature photo by Serg Alesenko

Other photos by: alexandre saraiva carniato, Arthur Yuzkiv, Elia, Julia Volk, Luca Barth, Naro K, Pixabay, Samuel Vogl, Shrinish Donde, Team EVELO; Berlin to Copenhagen signs: Radweg Berlin – Kopenhagen Wegweiser: Ch.Pagenkopf, CC BY-SA 3.0 and Jumbo1435, CC BY-SA 2.5

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