Japan is open again

日本語の練習 第145週
Japanese Practice Week 145




N3 文法


if it were the case that, if we assume

V(Plain Form) + としたら/とすれば/とすると
いーAdj + としたら/とすれば/とすると
なーAdj + だとしたら/とすれば/とすると
N + だとしたら/とすれば/とすると

These are used to make a hypothetical question or statement. You can use them to make a point or express an opinion. You can also use it to express something you expect from a situation or others.


(If you could go to Japan, what would you like to do there?)


(If this game was expensive, would you still buy it?)


(I wonder if I was more serious, would my life change?)


(If that person is the real culprit, then we have to apprehend them immediately.)


as (i.e. in the role of)

N + として

This is a good way to express different points of views. Such as, living the life of a pop idol, or explaining what you did in a previous job position.

Ex: 彼女は翻訳者としてゲーム会社で働いていました。

(She worked as a translator at a game company.)

Ex: 僕は大学を卒業したばかりだから、経験者としてまだ足りないです。

(I just graduated from college, so I don’t have enough experience.)

※[literally something like: I just graduated from college, so as an experienced person, I’m lacking.]

N3 動詞/N3 VERBS

import; importation; introduction

輸=transport, send, be inferior

入=enter, insert

From the kanji, we can ascertain that something is being transported somewhere and it is entering that location to do so. For example, a package from Play-Asia or Amazon, is sending books or games from Japan to America. That would be this verb “to import”.

Looks like Subaru is looking to make a profit by importing his stories from Japan to the world he’s been transported to. Then again he’s not the only one who has had that idea. Heck, Shouta’s dad even took the initiative to do just that.


Introducing a friend to Bakemonogatari has it’s downsides…


A: どうだった?

B: 画面とアニメシオンが高いが、あの冒頭のテキストの怒涛のカットインいったいなんだ。







B: ふわふわる ふわふわり

A: それって、恋愛サーキュレーションか?

B: うん、一日中、頭の中にあって止められない。彼女は阿良々木と付き合うことができないかもが、かわいいね。

A: (へへへ。。。ああ。。。かわいいか)まあ、楽しみにしてる。



[Don’t get too attached…]

A: So what’d you think?

B: The cinematography was top notch but, what’s with the flashing text?

A: You don’t have to worry about that. It’s just text from the light novel series.

B: Oh well if that’s the case, I think I’ll check this out.

A: Are you sure? I mean, it’s not as difficult to follow as Fate but…

B: I think I’ll be alright.

A: If you say so. Here’s the Blu-ray.

Couple of days later…

B: Fuwa Fuwa ru Fuwa Fuwa ri. 

A: Renai Circulation?

B: Yeah, it’s been in my head all day. I know she probably won’t end up dating Araragi but she’s adorable.

A: (Heh Heh… yeah… adorable…) Well, look forward to it.

B: To what?

A: It’s a secret.







Went to a bike shop. Looks like it doesn’t get that much business. The owner wants me to ride his bike. That’s some weird advertisement but… okay? Free bike. Can’t complain. They have an underground path filled with trainers. This might be the perfect place for showing off this bike. Eh?! I can’t use it here. So much for using it anywhere (False Advertisement). After a battle with a trainer’s Slowpoke Static evolved into Flaffy. The wool is so fluffy.

They even have a salon for Pokemon down here. Fought this guy named Issac. He thought his Pokemon would be stronger because it got a haircut at the salon. Does a Licktitung even have hair? Doesn’t look like it. Plus, it kinda freaks me out so I don’t want to touch it to find out. I also found … a coin case? Do they have a Pachinko place here or something? 

Went inside a flower shop and talked to a girl about a moving tree on Route 36. That’s interesting. I want to try using the watering can but it seems like I can’t yet. Looks like I have to beat the Gym Leader named Whitney. Maybe then I can get that watering can.

In conclusion, I hope that this series is helpful with your journey to learning Japanese and/or taking an interest in the country’s culture. Until then… また来週!

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