Round Scotland coastal route

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On 23 June 2023 we had a very interesting conversation with NESCAN, who are doing excellent work, and communicating it out. We look forward to linking up the Aberdeenshire coast with the North Highland Way. We have contacted various organisations, and once they respond, they will given a mention here. We support organisations who are doing challenges on the Scottish Coastal route, especially if they are for the Long Distance Walkers Association, who have supported us for many years.

First the Argyll coast with whom we have been working for several years now.

We are delighted to have made the reacquaintance of the Moray Firth Partnership, who certainly understand environmental issues. This is excellent news, as the Partnership stretches as far as Duncansby Head, the beginning of the North Highland Way.

The North Sea Trail is here

The Moray Coast is here.

The Aberdeenshire Coast is here

The Dundee Aberdeen coast is here

The Fife coast is here

Walkers are Welcome

We also found this – which is very interesting, courtesy of the Highlands and Islands University, with whom we developed the course.

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2 responses to “Round Scotland coastal route”

  1. […] Our transition started 20 years ago with the North Highland Way. We followed this up with books and as of October, we will be running courses. We continue our transition with the Scottish Coastal path. […]


  2. […] August 11, 2023 Wild about Spanish, History and the Environment Leave a comment Round Scotland coastal route […]


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