S4 E5: Word Craft: Prose & Poetry- The Art of Crafting Syllabic Poetry by Colleen M Chesebro

Welcome to The Book Dialogue with Sarah & Rebecca.

Word Craft: Prose & Poetry: The Art of Crafting Syllabic Poetry by Colleen M Chesebro

Rebecca shares her thoughts on Colleen M Chesebro’s book, “Word Craft: Prose & Poetry -The Art of Crafting Syllabic Poetry.”

Thank you for listening in! We invite you to add to the discussion.

Colleen shares invaluable insights on the art of syllabic poetry. She believes that this form of poetry enables us to express profound and meaningful ideas. By using a specific number of syllables per line, the poet is able to create a rhythm and structure to their poem that can be both beautiful and impactful. Are you ready to take the plunge and explore the world of syllabic poetry? With Colleen’s guidance, you can be sure to have an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Are you ready to learn how to craft Japanese and American poetry? Consider this book the first step on your journey to learning the basics of how to craft syllabic poetry. Inside, you will discover many new forms, syllable combinations, and interpretations of the different Japanese and American forms and structures of haiku, senryu, haiga, tanka, renga/solo renga, gogyohka, haibun, tanka prose, the cinquain, and its variations, Etheree, nonet, and shadorma poetry. So… what are you waiting for? Let’s craft syllabic poetry together!

Colleen M Chesebro

Word Craft: Prose & Poetry – The Art of Crafting Syllabic Poetry by Colleen M Chesebro The Book Dialogue

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

29 thoughts on “S4 E5: Word Craft: Prose & Poetry- The Art of Crafting Syllabic Poetry by Colleen M Chesebro

  1. Oh my goodness!! Thank you so very much, Rebecca and Sarah. I’m so thrilled (and humbled) that I could inspire you both to writing syllabic poetry with me. (My author blog is colleenmchesebro.com in case anyone searches). I was speechless listening to your review. Thank you, both! ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sarah, Frances and I truly appreciate your book, Colleen. I have it in paperback and Kindle format for ease of reference. Your words “we learn to work in imagery” defines this extraordinary journey. I am delighted that we connected and that the universe brought us together and that we share the same timeline.

      Here is another quote from your book that I have highlighted:

      “The creation of haiku is a journey into brevity, discipline, and transparency.” Colleen M Chesebro.

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  2. Sarah’s comments about school ruining poetry for students struck a nerve. As a teacher, my job was to teach students how to experience poetry–not send them on a symbol safari. I could go on a rant, but I’ll refrain.

    I chose the perfect time to listen to this conversation, as I just got off a Zoom conversation with one poet and three prose writers who also write poetry. For an hour, we each read one of our poems aloud and talk about poetry. The inspiration (and excitement!) carried right over into this conversation. I can’t wait to see what poetry you both are inspired to write!

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    1. I do love your rants, Liz and I laughed out loud when I came upon “a symbol safari”. What a wonderful conversation you had with kindred spirits. I remember that wonderful evening of poetry you hosted over Zoom! That is the best way to enjoy poetry – in a community.

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  3. Oh, how lovely when someone I e-know and admire is talked about in such a way. Colleen is one of my faves. I’ve purchased and reviewed Word Craft: Prose & Poetry and follow it to guide me with the poetry I share on TankaTuesday and elsewhere.
    You two sisters are in for a lovely adventure when you start sharing with the TankaTuesday community. We’re a welcoming group— always kind and encouraging. Please come join us.
    And thank you for raising this lovely Word Craft book of Colleen’s to a tier higher. It is everything you said and more.
    Me? I’m just a word enthusiast practicing syllabic poetry on and off with Colleen since Spring 2021. Hope to see you inside this year Sarah, Rebecca and Frances. You guys rock! Xoxo, Selma

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    1. Thank you for your heartwarming and encouraging comments, Selma! I am excited about the possibilities of syllabic poetry. I am looking forward to following your posts and our ongoing conversation. Colleen creates a space where everyone feels welcome and appreciated.

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  4. Loved the conversation, Sarah and Rebecca! It’s wonderful to see Colleen’s book mentioned and praised, and lovely to hear the encouragement that anyone can and should try writing poetry. I look forward to seeing your poetry, Rebecca and Sarah, and I really enjoyed listening to examples of Colleen’s expert verse!

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    1. Many thanks for listening in and for your comments, Dave. I’m taking a deep breath and taking the plunge – it is an incremental process for me. I never considered writing poetry until I met up with Mary Jo Malo, Liz Gauffreau, Robbie Cheadle, Jean-Jacques Fournier and D. Wallace Peach. Liz introduced me to Colleen a few months ago. The poetry community is welcoming and supportive.

      By the way, I digress (you knew I would) when I tell you that I have a wonderful cat trivia (wisdom) calendar. This is the words of wisdom today: “A mature cat may gift its humans with a live mouse as a hint that they should improve their hunting skills.” Say hello to Misty for me!!!

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  5. What a wonderful discussion and review of Colleen’s book, Rebecca and Sarah. Your comments about the trepidation that comes with writing poetry resonated with me. Colleen is really the reason I tried it and pressed onward and continue to write poetry. She’s an inspiration, an amazing teacher, and her enthusiasm is infectious. Thanks for the wonderful conversation.

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    1. Thank you for joining the conversation, Diana. I would never have guessed that you have trepidation when it came to writing poetry. You have a courageous creativity that inspires me. Sarah said to me the other day something about letting go of ego and comparison. When there are so many wonderful poets, is it possible that we are embarrassed to share our creative endeavours in case they don’t measure up? And by what standard of measurement do we use to assess our “value.” Colleen disrupts this type of thinking when we writes:

      “When we create poetry, we gain command of language; cultivate a healthy vocabulary, master literacy devices such as metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, and allegory. We learn to work in imagery.”

      Poetry is not a measurement system of personal value. It is a cry of gratitude from our soul to the universe that we have been given the gift of words.

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  6. What a lovely conversation and review! I enjoyed listening to you both very much. It’s obvious that you’re sisters and you both have the same warmth in your voices. Colleen is very special, and I’m pleased she has inspired both of you to write poetry.

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    1. Thank you Merril for your encouraging words. I agree – Colleen is very special and her book Word Craft, Prose & Poetry, is a labour of love. The detailed instructions, the back story on the syllabic forms adds so much to the process. That others have come before is truly a comfort and inspiration. Thank YOU for being a poet!!!

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  7. What a wonderful discussion about Colleen’s book. I too am thinking more about trying my hand at poetry lately. This is the book to get me going I think. Unlike other students, I enjoyed poetry in school. I still recall our British Grade 8 teacher, Mr. Samson, reading The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner and being spellbound. But like many, have never felt I was worthy of writing poetry. Books for children (and the young at heart), OK but not poetry! I was also intrigued that you, Rebecca, are also a last-page/chapter reader. Sarah’s comment that it may have something to do with being in control, rang true! Thanks so much for this podcast, my friend.

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  8. I truly look forward to reading your poems, Sarah and Rebecca. What you said about poetry being a distillation is excellent, and short form poetry is really quintessential distillation. There are so many kinds of poetry and so many kinds of readers. If you write what’s authentic, there will always be some readers with whom your poems will deeply resonate and evoke thoughts and feelings. Poetry makes us slow down and appreciate the gift of language. Your Book Dialogue is welcome stopping place.

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    1. It is a slow journey for me, Mary Jo, each step taken with much trepidation. I remember the first time that I read a poem out loud to an empty room. That was over 10 years ago. Then I transferred to reading poems to the trees and finally, I am recording the poems.

      I am grateful for your guidance and support in this extraordinary adventure. Sending many hugs.

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  9. This is a very good and worthwhile book, I still have it on my desk to read and study. As a child, in what we called in Nebraska, our grade school, I remember writing short poems that I wish I had saved. I have tried to write poems since, but I find them too simple and without adequate meaning. But, I will keep trying and, hopefully, I will write one good enough to put on line! Colleen and her excellent book should help! Actually, I think most of us think our poems are not worthy enough to print or share with others! !

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    1. I think that it is in the “trying” that we do good work. I am so pleased that you are joining Sarah and me on a poetic journey. I am going to “try” and that is a great way to begin. Hugs!

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