Taiwanese cultural treats and furry fun aplenty at Infurnity 2023

Over three days from Oct 27 to 29, 2023, Taiwan’s furcon Infurnity held on the grounds of Fullon Hotel Tamsui Fishermen’s Wharf.

This is the first Taiwanese furry event to hold for a total of three days.

And for three years until COVID’s tides finally recessed, their theme “The Taiwanese Furstival” was held back. The theme was realised through art and merchandise, proudly carrying on them the sight and smell of Taiwanese local culture.

Local furry live streamers host a games session. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

Day 1 saw a variety of activities, ranging from panels to game sessions as well as VTubers’ meetups.

Infurnity organisers also held a hangout session on Friday night that featured snacks, name card exchange sessions and a live music concert.

Three DJs take to the deck after snacks and namecard exchanging. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

Infurnity’s opening ceremony was held on Day 2, in spite of it being held for three days. There firstly went the indispensable ritual of introducing the event timeline and some important notices.

The furcon’s Dutch guest of honour Wolvinny and Taiwanese furry dance group Wannabeast took over the stage after with a dance before leading into the fursuit debut segment.

Infurnity’s GoH Wolvinny takes to the stage with two other fursuiters in a dance. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

As the name suggests, the fursuit debut segment lets furries, including first-time fursuiters to introduce before everyone’s eyes everything about their new fluffy creatures.

The fursuit debut session saw many debutants. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

Other than panels, Japanese furry games company Lifewonders also held a stage performance in the evening.

The fursuit parade on the same day attracted photos and hugs from many eager members of the public.

Infurnity brought in food store owners to set up shop, drawing many overseas furries to them. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

To suit the convention theme, organisers have put up games usually seen at Taiwanese night markets, ranging from hoops to marbles.

Attendees are introduced to five classic night market games. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)
Panels and activities were aplenty at Infurnity. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

Players all stood a chance to win a limited number of prizes available, either by playing the games or by collecting points in another activity.

Day 2’s evening was filled with live music by five furry music bands from Taiwan, Japan and Thailand.

Each band rotated after their own music sets, but the audience stood galvanised and immersed.

There were 44 panels held at Infurnity 2023.

Ranging from topics like religion to as simple as one sharing their own experiences, the panelists created for attendees much learning moments.

Voice actors from Lifewonders’ game “Tokyo After School” shared and released the updated information of the game. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

At Infurnity, fursuit photo locations are abundant. Attendees seize the chance for photos, be it with persons, furries or automobiles!

Featuring over twenty models of cars and motorcycles, the grounds of the Furry Auto Club for Taiwan’s (FACT) automobile exhibition was a hotspot for fursuit photos and enthusiasists alike.

The Furry Auto Club of Taiwan’s automobile exhibition featured more than twenty car and motor models … and much space for fursuit photos. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

Compared to previous years, Infurnity 2023 not only had more performers at their Sunday evening show, but also added a new themed group photo activity, where a group photo was taken in groups of fursona species and colours.

Many furries showcased their performances on stage at Infurnity. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)
Furries took pictures while grouped according to their colours. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

Official numbers from Infurnity 2023 saw 2,354 attendees, an increase from 2022’s 1,588.

Some of the tickets for the charity raffle were sold out, raising for the furcon a new charity record of NT$393,950 (S$16,869.60).

The lucky draw at the closing ceremony. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)
Attendees raved at the evening DJ session. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes)

On the administrative side of things, Infurnity 2023 saw upgrades on both their softwares and hardwares. It is hoped that their shinier systems enhanced the attendees’ overall experience.

Finally, the closing ceremony introduced Infurnity’s 2024 theme: “Infurnity’s Gate,” with a strong flavour of Dungeons and Dragons … in time for the Year of the Dragon.

Details on dates and location to be released at a later date.

Infurnity’s 2024 theme is inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. // Blue Wendel (FurTimes).

Original post on FurTimes – Dec 30, 2023
Editor and Translator: Pawsry Hamktxchuzhni

2023兽无限「戏兽台湾」 浓厚台式风格让众人同乐





















兽迷们在兽无限出毛拍摄的机会处处无穷,与人、毛或车子拍——都宁愿!台湾的毛兽车迷俱乐部 Furry Auto Club of Taiwan(FACT)也在场办了车展,不仅吸引赏车的也是吸引了拍毛的目光。

Furry Auto Club of Taiwan在会场进行车展活动,有近20多台汽机车在场展示,也吸引毛毛到场拍照。图/蓝风摄









原创文章 – 兽时报,2023 年 12 月 30 日