
The Battle Within


The Battle Within

Did you leave me or did I runaway
I don’t know if it is the darkness of night or the light of the day
I am so confused and I feel mentally ill
My thoughts are racing and my mind won’t stay still
I blame myself for this mess of a life I feel I have made
I am scared, I am cold, I am sad, I am so afraid
I try to get out the words that will explain it all
But no one is listening, no one to call
Do I just lie here and pretend that I am okay
Do I get up and try to make it another day
Is there a name for this feeling or a magical pill?
Someone call a doctor I am losing my will
I hate myself, I hate you, I hate this life I am in
I am only fighting a losing battle, one I will never win

©Emmely Byrd 2013

If you or someone you know if suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts or just needs to talk about their thoughts about having a mental health issue, please share the links below:


Some of the reputable 24-hour mental health hotlines:

  • Mental Health America Hotline: Text MHA to 741741. Mental Health America is a nationwide organization that provides assistance through this text line. You will be linked to someone who can guide you through a crisis or just provide information.
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline1-800-273-8255. Crisis intervention and free emotional support are available, which is helpful when you need confidential assistance during a time of emotional distress for you or a loved one. The helpline is open 24/7, and a live online chat is available as well.
  • Crisis Text Line: Text CONNECT to 741741. Specialized crisis counselors are just a text message away on this free, confidential 24-hour support line. To further protect your privacy, these messages do not appear on a phone bill. The text line also provides services and support if you are upset, scared, hurt, frustrated, or distressed.
  • The Samaritans1-212-673-3000. This is a New York–based organization operates a 24-hour crisis hotline for anyone in the area. Even if you’re not in crisis but feel like you need emotional support, this hotline can help.
  • Veterans Crisis Line1-800-273-8255. Text a message to 838255. Operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs, these services aid veterans and their families who may be in crisis by connecting them with VA responders.



  1. National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). Mental Health by the Numbers.

Categories: Blog

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