When it comes to the topic of curses, one often encounters clichés, popular beliefs, and superstitions that make it hard for most people to believe.

In reality, curses should be treated with a certain level of dignity, as not only are they historically proven, but they also speak about the shadows of spirituality, the union of magical forces, and human duality.

I have already discussed the historical origins of curses and how to recognize if you are a victim of a curse in a previous post. I recommend taking a look if you are interested.

5 Clichés and Misconceptions about Curses

1. The first common misconception is to consider curses as mere superstition. This is completely inaccurate; the power of our intentions and words is much stronger than we think.

For some reason, we are willing to believe that positive thinking or positive affirmations can improve our lives, but we are not able to accept that with our words and intentions, we can cause serious harm to others.

This is the paradox of spirituality that unfortunately is becoming a trend: we want to embrace only the light but we do not want to confront the shadows.

Curses bring to light human emotions that fuel the classical duality of good and evil in physical life.

It is normal to feel jealous or envious of someone in certain situations; it is part of our human experience. However, it is unacceptable to give in to our shadows and cause chaos in the lives of others just because we have not learned to manage our intense emotions.

2. The second mistaken belief about curses is that only professional witches and wizards can cast them.

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