If you’re having trouble quitting porn or masturbating too much, then these semen retention benefits may just change your life.

I’ll talk more about them in just a minute.

But first, let’s get some definitions:

semen retention science


Semen retention is the practice of witholding your semen, and allowing your masculine energy to build up over time.

This occurs in many cultures across the globe, and across history with many famous individuals who have taken advantage of it with enormous success. Including:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Mike Tyson
  • Muhammed Ali
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Nikola Tesla
  • Dalai Lama

These guys became unstoppable, by maximising their masculine energy through semen retention.


These two often get confused with one another, but they’re not the same thing.

Under the nofap model, the focus in on quitting porn and masturbation. Whereas with semen retention, it goes a step further in harnessing your masculine, with no ejaculation (even during sex).

As you can imagine, it’s a challenge, but well worth it.

Let’s look at what the majority of guys are currently doing in 2020…

semen retention depression


On a basic, biological level, you’re convincing yourself that your ‘reproductive mission’ is now complete. This means that you’re free to kick back, relax, and become a beta male.

It’s a BIG problem.

If you want to make more money, get more jacked, or have more real life sex, then you want your motiation for all these things to be sky-high, not rock bottom.

Ejaculating all the time leads to the latter.

It Leads To Lower Testosterone

‘Wasting’ your semen will absolutely tank your testosterone over the mid-to-long-term for all the reasons I’m about to list.

We’re not just talking about the immediate after effect – we’re talking about everything else that it leads to over the weeks, months and years.

So yes, over time, ejaculating too often will make you less of a man on a very physical level. And in contrast to this, semen retention will indeed increase testosterone.

It Leads To Depression

This is closely linked to the unbelievable dopamine response you get, especially if you watch porn on a regular basis.

The more dopamine you blast your brain with, the higher the future threshold becomes in order for you to be happy. Thus, you get addicted to that new ‘dopamine high’ and exacerbate the vicious cycle.

Depression lurks just around the corner.

It Leads To Social Anxiety

Social anxiety just means lower social confidence in certain situations. A lot of people say ‘it’s not real’, but just like depression, there’s very real chemical manifestations that are a result of modern-day realities.

Ejaculating all the time can lead to feelings of guilt, erectile dysfunction, poorer eye contact and worsened social skills.

It’s almost like your subconscious KNOWS that you’ve not really EARNED all this ejaculation, and that it’s fake.

Semen retention benefits


Alright, time to get to the good stuff. These semen retention benefits may just save your life (no exaggeration), especially if you’re depressed, your testosterone is >500 (get the manual here), or you have no drive to chase your dreams.

This stuff is critical, especially if you learn how to transmute your sexual energy.

You Boost Testosterone

I’m not just talking about the semen retention science here. Meaning this study showing testosterone peaking after 7 days of nofap, or this study showing an increase in testosterone after 3 weeks of semen retention).

No I’m talking about the long-term magic.

The real testosterone benefits come when you have more energy for the gym and start gaining more muscle mass (while avoiding the foods that kill testosterone).

Or when you start building your financial empire and live the life of your dreams.

And when you completely reset your dopamine levels and in the process, free yourself from depression. Speaking of which…

It’s An Anti-Depressant

This is very closely linked to low testosterone, and unfortunately is one of the most common mental illnesses of the modern era.

The good news though, is things like semen retention and a bunch of other supplements like fish oil and vitamin D, are incredibly powerful for boosting your mood. You DO NOT need drugs.

All you need is to start covering your health basics, getting more sunlight, and avoiding losing semen for ~ 3 weeks, and you’ll start to notice a massive difference in your well-being.

Become More Attractive

You’ll Become More Attractive To Women

Because you’re no longer wasting your precious masculine energy, you’ll have a more masculine vibe, higher levels of confidence, and higher testosterone.

We’re talking behavioural attraction, or that ‘Alpha vibe’.

If you combine this with getting to 10% body fat with the Intermittent Fasting diet, you’ll become irresistible.

Improved Sleep Quality

This one again is closely linked to testosterone.

It’s also a bit of a chicken-and-egg scenario. Low testosterone leads to poorer sleep quality. And then sleeping less that 6 hours per night leads to a further decrease in testosterone, and sky-high cortisol levels.

A lot of guys who are addicted to porn have sleep issues, and semen retention will solve that.

It Boosts Your Immune System

Things like viruses, infections and illnesses are less common due to semen retention.

THIS is how powerful your masculine energy is when it’s retained.

It’s your life energy, and contains essential vitamins and nutrients.

You Will Become More Socially Dominant

Semen retention leads to improved social confidence, better interactions, and a more masculine energy from you.

You can see other guys talking about it right here.

As you can imagine, this can lead to a lot of other opportunities, assuming you capitalise on them and put yourself out there.

Opportunities, including:

  • Dating opportunities – women love dominant men
  • Career opportunities – people will gravitate toward you in interviews and at work in general
  • Financial opportunities – you’ll make better decisions with money due to self-control

The list really is endless when it comes to interactions with others.

Sky-High Focus

In a world of never-ending distractions and competing for attention online, staying focused and steering clear from negative distractions, is a top-tier skill in itself.

Semen retention makes this easier. MUCH easier.

This laser-focus and drive can be applied to anything. Perhaps it’s a side hustle. Maybe it’s a new project at work. Often it’s a new hobby.

Whatever it is, your mind is 100% under your control.

Sperm retention


The best thing to do, is to follow this list so that you can maximise your odds of success:

  1. Download the ‘Habit Tracker’ app so that you stay accountable and can track your ‘best streak’
  2. Set yourself a challenge of 100% semen retention for 21 days
  3. Eliminate all environmental triggers (Instagram, porn sites, subscriptions, images etc.)
  4. Get more physical exercise
  5. Get more sunlight/get outdoors more
  6. Try Intermittent Fasting, the OMAD diet, or even a 72 hour fast

IN THAT ORDER, and you will have as good a chance as anyone, of experiencing the semen retention benefits listed above.

Good luck!

Thank you for reading: “7 Masculine Benefits Of Semen Retention.”

This was a guest post from Alex, writer of the ForeverAlphaBlog and Intermittent Fasting coach, helping Men to get to 10% body fat and have the health they’ve always dreamed of.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at forever.alphamale@gmail.com.