Love yourself

Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands are few countries that implemented four day work week. It does not necessarily mean that their citizens have a happy life or their business has grown manifolds due to the change. The bottom line is to do whatever makes your day more productive and life happier. 

After a hectic week at the office, all Ruhi wanted was a glass of wine and old Bollywood melodies to be ready to welcome the weekend. Following the UK shift (2nd shift/12-9:30shift) from the last 4 years, she had almost forgotten the charm a beautiful evening offers. The new office brought the fragrance and subtle hues of setting sun back into her life. The struggle of bridging the time gap over the 9 pm calls which usually went till 10, gaining the energy to prep for dinner and an agitated husband waiting outside the office is another story altogether. These evenings provided her with a very important time to indulge in something constructive. Cooking a new dish, finishing off a painting or folding the big heap of clothes certainly top the chart of most productive tasks for a working woman, but Ruhi is different. 

Browsing through the most stupid posts on her IG feed or pouring down her heart on paper was something she enjoyed a lot more. So that night she decided to prepare the dinner and go for a long walk but then an unopened bottle of Chenin Blanc caught her eye. No matter how much she dragged herself towards the Paneer and capsicum, lustful call of wine did the magic and won the race. She poured herself a glass of white wine, turned to her fav OP Nayyar Sahab. Dim lights, lovely songs, and wine were the best partners she needed then. Not to forget the cooking part, an hour’s cook took way longer that night and by the end of her 4th glass, she set the table for an elaborate 4-course dinner. 

Eira was sweetly surprised to see this new avatar of her new friend. Her tiredness of a long flight vanished in a jiffy. Ruhi’s playfulness is contagious and Eira had the best of it. This is when Eira’s belief got an honest testimony that self-help is the biggest help. There are times when you don’t really need to bother about your home or kitchen or husband or marriage or work or neighbors or anything under the sun but yourself. What makes you happy, what brings a smile to your face, what makes you an excited kid is something that needs utmost attention. A tired and irritated soul is prone to making mistakes. 

Take a day or at least an evening out for yourself, do what you actually want. It could be as simple as a night of deep sleep, a facial, 3 plates of panipuri, binge-watching Big Boss or even applying nail paints. It brings out the best of you. A recharged and cheerful woman is the strongest root that makes every leaf and flower of the tree shine bright. Live for yourself first so that everyone around you could live happily.

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