Things You Should Keep Organized To Help Keep You Sane

Sometimes when life isn’t going our way or we lose control of our lives. Little things like an organized pantry can help keep us sane. I’m going to share with you a few things I keep organized in my life that help keep me level-headed, in hopes it may also help you.

Things I keep Organized That Help Keep You Sane

My Bathroom Counter

This is something that I never realized made me glad seeing it every morning. I hate clutter so I try and keep only the important things on the counter like toothbrushes, hand soap and facial cleanser. Things that I don’t use frequently like exfoliators, brushes, face masks etc I keep in my bathroom pantry and only bring them out when needed.

I like to keep my bathroom counter clutter free because it’s something I have to see every morning; and I spend a fair amount of time at my bathroom counter doing skincare, hygiene etc. Therefore in the morning, it helps seeing a tidy counter.

My Closet & Dresser

When I was younger I never really cared about the mess I created in my closet or dressers. Now I take pride in how I organize my closet. If you have the time and patience; there are so many different ways you can arrange and coordinate your closet and dresser. I found that investing in good hangers is worth it because they are convenient and contribute to the look of your closet.

I colour coordinate my closet and use some of my dressers not only for clothes. One drawer would be dedicated to makeup, whilst another for aerosols, skincare etc. This is very efficient especially with a color coordinated closet because when it’s time to prepare an outfit, you don’t have to worry about looking for where you put an outfit.

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Maintaining a neat, orderly fridge is extremely difficult especially if you don’t live by yourself. I try to make an effort in keeping my fridge organized; maybe not to the point where there’s labels but good enough to find and get to things.

The fridge is what we use often to grab food, so I think keeping it nifty and tidy will bring a hint of relief. Most people aren’t happy when they’re hungry, so it’s nice to open a fridge that isn’t too clustered.


The bedroom is a place that we should aim to keep tidy because it’s where we go to rest and reflect after a hefty day. I can’t express how many times after leaving for a long day, a few days, or weeks and coming back home to a nice organized, neat bedroom.

It honestly is one the best feelings ever. Going into your bedroom when it’s clean and looks presentable is honestly one less thing off your mind. You don’t have to worry about having to clean a mess before getting to sleep.

Tv Stand

If you have a tv that sits on a stand you’ll understand the struggle of tv stands. Whenever I’m watching tv my eyes always wander to the things that surround my tv and it can get frustrating and distracting.

Having a decluttered tv stand or a well-organized stand will help you keep sane; especially if you’re someone who get’s easily distracted by things. I try to keep my tv stand items/ decor to a minimal and orderly.

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