10 facts about Sixth Sense : Is it real ?

  1. In a normal individual, perception occurs through the five physical senses. Extrasensory perception (ESP) or sixth sense is a perception of the mind, perceived an event, circumstances, or prediction, through telepathy, clairvoyance or precognition. This is independent of the normal five sensory senses so it is regarded a paranormal ability. Through the centuries, from primeval times, many people, including sages, yogis and spiritual practitioners are believed to have mystical powers who have strong sixth sense.
  2. But then, is this real science? As far as science is concerned, there is no evidence of such extra senses in human. Many research projects in the past have been carried out to study if some people actually possess such extra sensory power. Some psychologists and philosophise are still undergoing studies to know more about this concept of extrasensory phenomena.

3. Several researches and authors like Rosalind Heywood, H. Osmond and many more have written several books on this subject with their own understanding of the perception. It is very hard to find scientific validity and physical explanation of such phenomena of extra sensory perception such as telepathy or clairvoyance or even precognition.

4. Sometimes intuition and extra sensory perceptions (ESP) or sixth sense are referred the same meaning. It is the psychological ability to sense something independently of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. Maybe, it is the ability of the individual based on deep understanding of the situation, the knowledge stored in the subconscious mind and the past experience.

5. Contrastive of todayโ€™s world, the primitive men were more instinctive and tuned with nature. Their level of awareness were as par with other living creatures and animals. It is this intuitive power which is slowly fading away from us. Because, our minds are caught up in this materialistic complexity.

Keeping science aside, most of us, do at sometime or someplace, get an inner sense of knowing of some event or information even before the actual occurrence. This is perhaps the kind of intuitive feeling that we still possess.

6. Different types of ESP experiences have been studied like telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, out of the body experiences and hauntings. Parapsychologists have been studying these psychic abilities through different experimental research.

7. The exact definition of each of the term may differ according to the understanding and apprehensions of individual.

Telepathy is sending information through oneโ€™s mind to another person.

Clairvoyance is an awareness without the physical presence of whatโ€™s going on somewhere.

Precognition is like predicting or foreseeing of a future information.

Out of body experience is traveling of the mind to a greater distance without actual movement of the physical self.

8. Though the presence of sixth sense in human has no scientific validation but other living beings like animals, fishes, birds, creatures like sharks, whales, or tiny ants do have sixth sense. Some animals like elephants or even dogs do get a sense in advance before a natural calamity.

9.Perhaps, unlike our ancestors , today human civilisation is more about technological advancement, modernization, stressful lifestyle, that we have moved very far from nature or simple natural occurrences. We hardly have time to observe in nature or the environment around us. Therefore, extrasensory perceptions or inner intuitive power are all vanishing from us slowly.

10. Sixth sense is a real ability or not, is yet to be proved in the scientific world. But as an individual, we all have been gifted with some natural abilities. Itโ€™s upto us to be more aware as individual and restore the very essence of being a human being. Itโ€™s time for us to let go once a while from this routine hustle bustle and be more calm, meditative to understand our inner self.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love ๐Ÿ™

24 thoughts on “10 facts about Sixth Sense : Is it real ?

  1. This is an interesting post. I guess it’s difficult to measure and quantify the existence of sixth sense- as it includes a complex interaction with all 5 senses. And also, we can’t possibly know what might initiate in the first place, as it differs from person to person. So there are a lot of variables involved.
    What do you feel regarding this?


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