Triumph to Tragedy

Yesterday, March 2, 2020, I had my second set of scans since starting my new treatment (TDM1 aka Kadcyla); I had a brain MRI and a chest/abdomen/pelvis CT Scan. Brutal. Scanxiety is real. I know I’ve said it a million times. But it really doesn’t get any easier. The fear and wondering and worrying…it is not fun. I have a hard time keeping my mind from going to worst-case scenario. BUT I got GREAT results! All of the lesions on my brain shrunk. Some even resolved! And the lesions on my liver that have remained stable for the past few months have actually started to shrink some more! I don’t think I could have asked for better results. It is such a wave of emotions leading up to the scans and then getting the results. Even good results. It takes so much out of me. All I wanted to do was go to sleep. That doesn’t mean I’m ungrateful. God is good.

Yesterday started out so positively. I got home and had dinner with my family. I even went to bed early ready to finally get a good night’s sleep without the burden of scans on my mind. And then at 11:37 p.m. I was jolted awake. My phone was going off with alerts of a tornado watch. I laid in bed praying that we, my family, my friends, my community, would be safe and debating whether or not I should get the kids out of their beds and into our safe spot. Over the next little while the lightening was intense, the thunder quietly rumbled above which was very eerie, and the watch escalated to a warning. By 12:45 we were all in our basement garage huddled together and afraid. We could hear the tornado sirens and strong winds outside. We remained in contact with our family and friends nearby as best we could; cell phone service was almost nonexistent. All I could do was keep my family close and the kids calm. And wait. We knew it was bad when after the immediate threat was past us we started hearing endless sirens. The kids slept in our bed the rest of the night since we knew more storms were set to come through around 5:00 a.m.. I barely slept in anticipation and high alert. Plus the adrenaline kept me awake. But I had no idea how devastating it would be once we started seeing the aftermath in the light of day.

We have friends whose homes were severely damaged. My best friends’ house was narrowly missed. Thank God. They still don’t have power and are staying with us the next couple of days until it is restored. My city where I grew up, Nashville, TN was devastated on the East side of town. My community where most of my family and friends live now, Mount Juliet, was also severely struck. I have only seen news coverage and social media posts. We did not leave the house today so as not to get in the way of first-responders and volunteers and those who were dealing with the loss of their homes. It is a very shocking, scary and desolate state we are in. My prayers are with all who have been affected by this natural disaster.

If you would like to help in some way, below are some links where you can find out how. Anything is appreciated. We are the Volunteer State. We are strong. We are united. And we will come together, rebuild and persevere. ❤

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