out and about…

March 3, 2012 § 12 Comments

Several weeks ago, I took a new position within the company. 

It’s been full tilt around here since then, either with planning and studying work stuff, getting around the country for meetings, getting the household on track and on schedule, doing taxes!, having excellent time with HM (who is also incredibly busy) and time with the kids when they visit, helping our lovely Nor plan her wedding, meeting up with friends, catching the occasional show on the telly, catching a few winks and reading. (None of the activities listed in the prior sentence have been prioritized in any way. In fact this whole blog entry is a melting pot meant solely to say I’m here and haven’t completely given up on blogging.)

Oh, you’d be shocked and appalled at my reading choices but when you’re on a plane or in a taxi or just waiting in line for something, you’ll read just about whatever is at hand, or that fits into your purse.

I have returned to Franzen’s FREEDOM, though, intending to finish it because I stopped halfway through it months ago. He’s just so darn real but the book hums with a disturbing undercurrent. Can’t put my finger on it. 

I’ve barely picked up my camera, either, not to mention the pencils and yarn that show up in my prior blog entry. Harumph.  That’s about to change. Like the weather. This morning had that very subliminal hint of spring in it, with that moment, that color, that says “spring is not far off!” And my journal waits patiently on the desk. Have not done anything but cram pictures, tickets and other ephemera into it. I missed journal class for good reason – HM’s band had their premier gig at a local pub and tho’ it was a Thursday night, the place was packed. A far cry from journaling, it was great – yes, dancing!

I will now stop treating this like a wandering entry in  my handwritten journal and will go for a walk with my camera.
And think of something to actually say, to share and tell you.

signed, Oh, the new road warrior

I gotta go find those pencils and some paper.

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§ 12 Responses to out and about…

  • Richard says:

    Thanks for sharing. Like Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charlie”, try keeping a road diary while traversing the nation. See what happens! Bet your HM is glad to have you home. It must get lonely being an empty nester. I know I miss my gal when she is not by my side….

  • Dale says:

    Di, I am so happy for you. I look forward to you telling me all about it!

  • Typehype says:

    Welcome back 🙂 Congratulations on your new position. I hope you’re liking it and that the flying part is kept to a minimum.

    Coincidentally, I read something recently on “airport lit” you might relate to:


    I understand what you’re saying about Franzen’s book and its “undercurrent.” Depression, failed dreams, characters trying to fill in the emptiness of their lives by adopting impossible causes (mountaintop excavation? really?) – all discouraging and all presented without a shred of transcendence.

    These days, if a book hasn’t engaged me 50 pages in, I simply close the cover and move on. With the onus of book reports now in the past, there’s no one in around who will give me an F. When I think of all the hateful books I was forced to read in my younger days…this is very liberating. Like the t-shirt says: So many books, So little time!

  • Corri says:

    HI – so good to see you around again. It has been very very quiet and I’ve missed the photographs! And I agree with Typehype above: if a book does not catch at first then it’s not worth it! However, I loved the Franzen book probably because of its undercurrents and messages.
    Hope you love your new job and it sounds as if you’re going to have celebrations soon – enjoy!

  • shoreacres says:

    It surely is good to see your entry, you new high-flyer, you! I do hope you’re finding your new position satisfying and fun. I suspect you are – no negative undercurrents in your report!

    I laughed at your comment about your reading. I’ve always assumed that junk reading goes with travel just as well as junk food – that is, perfectly. I do try to stick more with bananas and apples and such than I used to, but put me in a car headed to anywhere, and I’m overcome by cravings for Ritz-Bitz with peanut butter. Likewise: magazines are the ticket for reading. They’re not all junk, but they don’t require the concentration of a book.

    When I saw your photo, I thought immediately of the film “Up in the Air”!

  • ds says:

    Wow! You certainly are a busy one! Flying high in every way (job, wedding, band, whew!). Congratulations on everything–full speed ahead!

  • Heather says:

    I read Little Strangers last year because a friend had read it and really wanted someone to talk to about it. You’ll have to let me know what you think…

  • Bella Rum says:

    A new position, an upcoming wedding and so much more going on in your life. How dare you live life instead of keeping this place up and going! 🙂 All the best and looking forward to more, more, more.

  • litlove says:

    You are so busy! But with lots of good things. I do hope the new job is proving to be everything you would want. I just love me some comfort reading when things are frantic. I’m currently reading Joanna Trollope’s latest paperback, Daughters-in-law, and it is a fascinating read and very engaging! Not that you will gain a daughter-in-law, though, and I’ll bet you will be an utterly adorable mother-in-law. I’d adopt you if I could!

  • Arti says:

    oh, congrats on your new post and all the possibilities it offers… yes, including ‘Up in the Air’. Well, I mean the book, and the film, which I’m sure you’ve probably seen, and if not, don’t miss it. And… I’m not shocked by anyone’s reading choices, cause I know what mine are. 😉

  • jeanie says:

    Oh, what a practically perfect post in every way! Congratulations on everything in this, but mostly cramming in personal life with your wonderful family amidst all the work stresses! It’s so good to have you back here — even if it’s now and then, just to read your words makes me smile!

  • Becca says:

    Congratulations on the new job, and I hope you really enjoy it! Sounds like it’s keeping you hopping 🙂

    I find that when I’m really busy with work or other things, my reading falls into a very comforting pattern. Mysteries, women’s fiction, good stories that don’t tax my brain power – those are what I crave most!

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