10 Teaching Kids Tips

March 15, 2009 at 5:46 am | Posted in Children's Classes | 1 Comment
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Here are my top tips for teaching Kids English:

1. Smile and Have Fun! -body language is so important when teaching English to kids. Relax and smile- your whole body will relax and so will the kids

2. Be Enthusiastic– praise the kids and be excited with them on this learning adventure!

3. Be Adventurous– don’t be afraid to try new things. If you try something new and it doesn’t work, don’t worry! Kids are very forgiving. Get their attention back with a smile or a song.

4. Be Flexible– Be ready to adopt your lesson plan on the fly. Guide the class, keep control, but if the kids attention is not focused don’t be afraid to go in another direction.

5. Plan More Than You Need– you never know when you will need a few more things to teach in your class. Have extra songs, books, and activities ready to go!

6. Care About Your Students– develop a relationship with the kids. Become their friend. Enjoy their success together.

7. Be the Best Teacher You Can Be– even when I thought I was doing my best, a fellow teacher told me I could do better. At first I was a bit hurt, but then realized she was right! This led me to become a much better teacher. And I am still learning everyday!

8. Be A Student– always challenge yourself to learn new things. Remember what it is like to be a student. The frustrations and the joys!

9. Give, Give, Give– and you will receive.

10. Share Your Success with Others– teaching is a community experience. Sharing your ideas with other teachers will help you remember what worked for you. We can all learn from each other! You can start by sharing your ideas on the Dream English Forum!

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  1. I will be teaching English to 4-11 yr olds in Costa Rica this October 2009. I am both excited and worried as I have not had any experience of teaching children. I have taught Adults but this was in IT.

    So reading your ten top tips has given me a good starting point and eased the worry a little bit. At present I am doing a TEFL course which I will complete by July.

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