Are You A Risk Taker?

You can be a risk taker or not so much when it comes to one of the hardest decisions in your life. However, not all risks are worth taking. Some of the risks may cost you financially, quite dangerous or even ruin your relationships depending on the extent of it. Make sure your risks don’t trouble others and you don’t come out as too bold. You have to respect boundaries of others as well. Keep in mind that you might be a great risk taker but others don’t have to be like you. Some will always choose to color within the lines and you can’t do nothing about it.

What is life without a little risk?
*J.K. Rowling*

The best way to be a responsible risk taker is by calculating the risks that might arise with the decision you are making. Weigh the pros and cons out before you do anything crazy. And after you poured in a lot of thoughts and a series of serious considerations later, if you think you can handle the consequences, go for it. Try to take it small, one step at a time. But also make sure that you have a backup plan in case things don’t go the way you wanted. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail and we don’t want that. Do we?

However, there are a lot of good things that might come out from being a risk taker. Just know that you shouldn’t stop going after the things that you’ve always wanted to do. If it is worth going after, you have to at least make the first step and try. What is life if you don’t keep trying and fail miserably plenty of times? Now are you ready to find out if you are a risk taker after all?

1. Enriching experiences.

Taking a risk simply means stepping out of your comfort zone. You will have to force yourself to do some really uncomfortable things in life. Take that solo road trip that you’ve always wanted to. Hop on a flight to a whole new country. Start a business. It will be scary and terrifying even, but the reward in the end would be sweet. Just go ahead and take the first step.

2. Meet new people.

It is going to be awkward whenever you meet new people. For introverts, this might be more like a nightmare. But you won’t know if you like it or not unless you try. Put yourself in situations where you are vulnerable and unfamiliar of your surroundings. Who knows these new people and connections that you are building randomly might work out in your favor one day in future.

3. Increase creativity.

When you follow or do things that others do, it is safe and reliable but you won’t get a satisfaction. You will have to force yourself to think out of the box and just let your creative juices flow. Come up with new ideas and create opportunities. Learn new things. Always experiment with things you have no idea about and when you fail, learn from it and improvise.

4. Boost your confidence.

Your fear of failure will hold you back. It will stop you from trying. But if you don’t overcome your fears and face your challenges, you won’t grow or improve as a person. In contrast, when you accomplished something that others have doubt about, the feeling can be great. You will be more confident and resilient to face whatever life throws you next.

5. No regrets.

They say live life without any regrets and that is exactly how risk takers look at life. Try and do everything you want in life even when you fail. Failure is a part of the process and you will learn more about yourself. Even if it is scary, it shouldn’t stop you from living. If you want to live a fulfilling life and make your life more exciting, take the risk without any regrets.

Research shows that people who take risks tend to be more satisfied and happier in life. But you always have a choice. You can choose to be a risk taker or a risk averse person depending on your situation but how safe can you play in life anyway?

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