pickled cucumber
food, health, home

DIY Pickled Cucumber Salad -Agurksalat Recipe

I love to try Nordic cooking and dishes. My connection with my Danish family feels a little stronger when I make something peculiarly Danish.

The bonus comes when the dish is healthy AND tasty.

Cucumbers are a humble yet versatile vegetable that hold an important place in salads and summer dishes.

Pickled cucumbers extend the life of salad vegetables, so we can enjoy them for longer. For those of us living in a warmer part of the world, cucumbers are an everyday part of life.

Nutritional Benefits of Cucumber

In just a single cup of cucumber slices, you’ll get 14% to 19% of the vitamin K you need for the day. In addition, you will find vitamins B and C along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium.


Danish Cucumber Salad

This really quick and simple form of cucumber salad, (or in Danish, ‘Agurksalat’), that can extend the life of your salad vegetables and impart another flavour to your meals.

Tart and scrumptious with a tuna or smoked salmon sandwich, or with cold meats, this form of cucumber salad will keep in the fridge for days.

If you run out, you can reuse the liquid and top up with another cucumber or two before you dispose of it.



  • 1- 2 thinly sliced cucumbers (I use Lebanese)
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • ground pepper
  • Rosemary or Dill
  1. Thinly slice cucumbers. Peel them if you prefer or have an issue with digesting vegetable skins.
  2. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with a generous amount of salt. Set aside for an hour then drain off the liquid, or pat dry with a paper towel.
  3. Place the sliced and drained cucumbers in a glass jar. Use a glass jar due to the vinegar. (2 cups is a good starting amount, but you can use up to 2 full cucumbers for the amount of vinegar and sugar.) Add more if you are using large cucumbers but equal quantities of vinegar and sugar.
  4. Place the vinegar and sugar in a pan. Heat until sugar is dissolved. I throw mine in the microwave for a minute. (Feel free to add a couple of tablespoons of water if you feel that the vinegar is too strong.)
  5. Pour the vinegar and sugar over the cucumbers. Add pepper to taste. (Black pepper is fine, but white is less noticeable.)
  6. Place a sprig of dill or rosemary in the jar (optional) and chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.

NB. As you finish the cucumbers, you can slice some more and continue to use the liquid for some time.

Whilst everyone has their own individual recipe, there are many similar versions

A Home by the Sea

9 thoughts on “DIY Pickled Cucumber Salad -Agurksalat Recipe”

  1. When we were kids we only ever ate cucumbers pickled. I don’t think I tried them plain and raw raw until I was an adult. Mum often added sliced onions to them, and then turned them into a salad with tomato slices.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucky you, Chris. I had to wait until I was an adult to taste these. Do you think I could add onions to this jar mix if I sliced them thinly enough? Would that work?


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