I’ve just updated my ‘about me and my blog’ post

Glancing through my stats I noticed a lot of views today. Possibly because I put a link on an artists’ Facebook page to my site after someone asked what people used. I thought I’d check out the page about me and the blog. It was a little out of date and I amended one of the paragraphs towards the end:

In 2020 I aimed to create something artistic in my prayer and art journal based on the coming Sunday’s readings and to blog my thoughts or even the sermon. However as 2020 has turned out, I started doing Artful ELF as a way of reaching out during lockdown. It didn’t take off as well as I had hoped, but I will develop it and continue with the occasional episode. Advent also got taken over by the doodle a day and the preparations for Christmas were more complex than most years. My serious art has taken a bit of a break.

It will be interesting to see how my art and creativity develops during 2021. I hope I will be able to lead a quiet day or two in the summer. I also would like to be involved in a creative retreat as a leader, but we will see. I am currently working on a piece of art all about Jesus’ names. It isn’t finished yet, but I am pleased with the way it is coming along.


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