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‘2010 is gone for Democrats’

Epic Fail

From Politico:

2010 Is ‘Gone,’ Says Big-Time Dem

“He cannot save 2010,” the big-time Democrat is saying of Barack Obama. “It is gone. He must now concentrate on saving 2012. But the biggest fear of some of those close to him is that he might not really want to go on in 2012, that he might not really care.”

Repeat after me:

“WE – TOLD – YOU – SO!”

He he he

69 Responses

  1. Clowns always get the last laugh.


  2. Oh, he cares. He doesn’t give a damn about any other Democrat (gee what was your first clue there? Who knew?) but there’s one he cares about.

    • I agree completely, but I wonder if he sees himself as a moderate Republican who had to run as a Democrat out of electoral convenience. In that case, he doesn’t care about any Democrats. And, his political positioning make perfect sense.

      • Maybe he likes this. Having a Republican Congress would mean he can REALLY ignore the Democratic left. No more need to do anything hard.

  3. The RBC hearing rears its ugly head. Along with calling non Obots raycists. Or bitter. Or guntoters. Or how about blowing them off in Appalachia during the primaries?
    Oo! Oo! I know! Let’s take all of the votes for the other guy during the primaries and not let them count during the convention. Yeah, that’s the ticket! And then play “Love Train” while we stomp all over their souls.
    Is party unity great or what?
    It all goes back to the primaries. I keep saying it. They keep ignoring it.
    When you tell people you know what’s best for them because they are too stupid to vote for your guy and then proceed to govern very, VERY badly, the voters get all Count of Monte Cristo on your ass and seek revenge.
    The Tea Partiers took a different direction than we did. They let their anger lead them. We’re just cold blooded assholes. We’re going to sit back, munch our popcorn and vote Green this year.
    Ya’ reap whatcha sow.

  4. Maybe he will quit. If the Republicans investigate how much he and Madame spend on parties, trips, and just hanging out am I silly to think they will not want to finish and leave in a huff? President and Doctor Biden sounds pretty good right now.

    • Hmmm, there are many things about Obama that piss me off but his entertainment responsibilities are not one of them. He is a head of state. It’s his job. I also don’t have an issue with the vacations he takes. The job is very stressful, even for competent presidents like Bill Clinton. Imagine having a guy who is completely over his head and must learn everything from scratch. It must me a nightmare.
      The cost of these percs is just a drop in the bucket compared to mishandling of the TARP funds.
      Let’s focus on his governing.

      • But I think that many people’s problems with the parties and numerous vacations is the sense that Obama has no interest in the governing part. He runs away from that every chance he gets as we saw with the oil kill. Remember the stories about Bill Clinton, how he would stay up till all hours of the night arguing policy and history just because he loved it? How he would write the policy himself then hammer it home? (The President on the West Wing wasn’t based on BC for nuthin). Obama just seems so hands off and the fact that whenever he is asked about what it’s like to rule a country, he and Michelle invariably start talking about parties.

        Does one not think that anyone trying to do their best in the world’s hardest job would be working 24/7? Coming to work before 9:30 am and staying after 6? Four years, or even eight is a concentrated period of time in which to work one’s ass off. That’s why presidents get the respect. This is not about finding “balance” in one’s working life for the long haul. This is about steering a country. That’s what he signed up for.

        And fwiw, the Versailles attitude is tone deaf in a country staggering through hard times right now. A little empathy would go a long way.

        • Obama is supposedly coming out with a children’s book for Christmas, so he does do some work, unless he is taking credit for work done by others again.

        • No, he never struck me as a person committed to the actual job. Nevertheless, that the work he signed up for and I’m pretty sure that if he does only 1/10 th of what I think he does, he’s already burned out.
          One thing for sure: he’s not going to be better at it if he’s too tired to think.
          For all that I didn’t want him in the first place, he still has to make high stakes decisions and I w ant him to be fresh so he will occasionally get one right.

          I can dream.

    • haven’t been trolling much lately,but I see that you all haven’t changed one iota. How much the Obama’s spend on parties and hanging out will be investigated?? I doubt it Isolde. and news flash: No one is saying ‘i told you so’ but you guys – and believe me, no matter which side you are on, we don’t CARE what you think.

  5. From the article:

    And how is the president feeling about all this these days? I asked.

    “I think he gets frustrated at how hard it has been to communicate his successes,” he said. “Big or small, nothing is penetrating.”

    I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear Obama through all of the weeping from my newly laid off colleagues.

    What the hell are they talking about?! The guy’s been on the cafeteria flat screens every fricking day since he took office. I thought I was living in one of those countries that had a supreme dictator and president for life, complete with giant blow up posters of his face on the sides of every brick building and statues of him in every town square. He’s been ubiquitous. It was nauseating. If he wasn’t able to deliver his message with all of this round the clock coverage, then he’s not the masterful, gifted politician that his rabid fans have made him out to be.
    It’s either that or his “accomplishments” suck.
    Or both.
    I’m going with both.

    • He can talk, but he can’t make us listen. Ironically for BF Skinner’s disciples, I think that nasal whine sets off an automatic tune-out reflex in well, everyone.

      • So true. I can’t listen to him. I was conditioned to feel nausea during the primary debates when conventional wisdom touting his brilliant oratorial skills did not match my observations. Even today his very presence on TV triggers a hurling response.
        No, I am not exaggerating. I’ve taken to eating lunch at my desk to avoid looking at his face plastered all over the TVs in the cafeteria during lunch. It spoils my meal.

        • I always am reminded of Tom Hanks’ character in “Big”

          The smarmy jerk guy is introducing a new line of toys and Hanks says “I don’t get it.”

          That’s how I felt about Obama at the beginning. I heard all the ooh-ing and ahh-ing, but I didn’t get it.

          I still don’t.

      • what turns me off is the dropping of the ends of words and trying to sound like a black southern preacher when it is not who he is at all.

  6. Have you ever noticed he has 2 chins? I have never seen that on anyone before. I can’t look at him nor listen to him.

  7. 2010 Is ‘Gone,’ Says Big-Time Dem

    “He cannot save 2010,” the big-time Democrat is saying of Barack Obama.

    Is Big Time Democrat… BTD? Lol. Not that BTD is what Politico would report as “big time,” but it’s amusing to read the blurb that way… BTD’s media dahling can’t save 2010.

  8. What a garbage article. Who is the ‘Big Time Democrat’ and why does he/she feel the need to be anonymous? Further, who gives a crap about this person’s opinion if they’re not willing to stand behind it? Is there even a source for this quote or did Roger Simon just make up whatever he wanted to discuss?

    I’ve no opinion on the content of the article but I feel that the way it’s written, even as an opinion piece, sucks.

    • Yep, Liz – that’s what I was thinking. I want sources or I don’t pay much attention.

    • He has a name. Armando

      • and he has a hideaway

        • LOL!

          • I think the “big-time Democrat” is Donna Brazille.

          • You think? I doubt she gives a rat’s ass about this party, either. An elected official’d have a lot more to lose.

          • Be funny if it were Rahm. Lol Now that the girly menace has been disposed of, they’re starting to emerge from their stupor and wonder what the hell they do now. The front line memories are fading, replaced by emptiness….

          • Actually, I did think of Rahm as a poss., but I didn’t want to type out another longwinded para. But basically the quote ushers in O’s move-onto-2012 agenda. And, it’s like another sympathy magnet… “poor O… we have to encourage dear leader to run!
            ‘Don’t let the obstructionist bastards get you down, O!'”

            I just can’t see why any truly bigwig D would have any doubts about whether O was “in it to ruin it” again.

          • Unfortunately for this round of kabuki, there’s no second act here. We can all clap our hands and encourage Big O to get up and finish the race, but he’ll just jog a step and the collapse again, moaning about his waffle. He doesn’t have a Superman mode to snap into, so they once again look as foolish at the circle at the end of the big announcement. If anything, everyone is going–that’s okay, step aside! Lol

          • I think the “big-time Democrat” is Donna Brazille.

            When did Donna become a Democrat?

          • when Democrats became independent conservatives.

  9. “But the biggest fear of some of those close to him is that he might not really want to go on in 2012…”

    Strange that their biggest fear is my constant prayer!

  10. I’ve really enjoyed this political season as I hear from all the candidates up for re-election here in Florida. I just remind them of the Primary that wasn’t and ask them why I should bother to vote. Then I go on, if they were a delegate to the convention, and ask them how they voted at the Democratic Convention in Denver. Its so funny when they don’t answer and those who are around start asking the same question. People are starting to talk to each other again and this time, we know what the ramifications of our stolen vote led to.

  11. BBC: Schadenfreude

    Perhaps the greatest word in any language, Schadenfreude has become the defining emotion of the 20th Century. From the German, Schaden (damage), and Freude (joy), it means the enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others. It is the easiest, and often the most fulfilling, enjoyment available.

    From the laughs generated by the clown slipping on the banana peel to the guilty viewing of television shows such as Cops1shameful pleasure has been refined over the decades. Americans have led in the race for more advanced forms of Schadenfreude, as evidenced by the proliferation of ‘caught on tape’ TV programmes and the otherwise inexplicable amount of attention focused on the President Clinton’s2 indiscretions.

    Recently, a study has shown that a certain amount of Schadenfreude can be helpful in relieving stress. This comes as no surprise to many. Everyone, at one time or another, most likely several times a day, has laughed at another’s misfortune and felt that much better about themselves. It’s healthy.


    Morning Schadenfreude:
    And how is the president feeling about all this these days? I asked.
    “I think he gets frustrated at how hard it has been to communicate his successes,” he said. “Big or small, nothing is penetrating.”
    RD you comments are classic!
    “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear Obama through all of the weeping from my newly laid off colleagues.
    What the hell are they talking about?! The guy’s been on the cafeteria flat screens every fricking day since he took office. I thought I was living in one of those countries that had a supreme dictator and president for life, complete with giant blow up posters of his face on the sides of every brick building and statues of him in every town square. He’s been ubiquitous. It was nauseating. If he wasn’t able to deliver his message with all of this round the clock coverage, then he’s not the masterful, gifted politician that his rabid fans have made him out to be.
    It’s either that or his “accomplishments” suck.
    Or both.
    I’m going with both.”
    Sure, on a personal level the guy makes me sick (just like Dubya did) but he and dupes/goons KILLED the party of FDR. Their misfortune fills me with a warm glow. 

  12. Have been reading Foucault’s Fearless Speech, a series of six lectures given at Berkely in 1983 just before he died. Of AIDS.

    This problem entered Western Civilization around 400 BC, as Athens was warring with Sparta. One can read and comment on the truth here at Confluence, but the ears of power ignore us. Same then as now.

    I think of Colbert’s speech in front of Bush and how marvelous it was. And so effective. I consider it a turning point.

    I have no answers. Not even good questions.

      • Lol That was hilarious. He made fun of the press corps for worshipping Bush and their response? “OMG! No! He was disrespectful to our Master! Ridicule us all you want, but never, never him! O the humanity! If I could have given my life to stop this roast, I would have! NOOOOOOOOO!”

        • They really didn’t get it. He was lampooning THEM.

          • No they didn’t get it. And still don’t. They are the corrupting force of democracy. And we haven’t figured out how to render them ridiculous every day.

        • Thank you so much for posting it. Just to hear it one more time! True Greek parrhesia embracing frankness, truth, danger, criticism and duty, all the attributes of its meaning. First introduced by Euripides in Ion and then a twist of it in Orestes.

          How did he ever do this! And with Bush sitting right there. Oh read Foucault. And weep.

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