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Cautionary Public Service Announcement

This message is for the Clinton Campaign and women of Indiana. I hope it’s just redundant and you guys are already on this.

Indiana has one of the most restrictive voter fraud ID laws in the country. There is currently a case pending before the Supreme Court on it. You can find links to it at this old chestnut post: Ladies, Update Your Records.

Now, normally, Indiana wouldn’t even be on our radar map during a primary season but this year is different and suddenly they’ve become a big player, which makes it all the more crucial to pay attention to this law. If Indiana is like the rest of the country, there is going to be a high turnout of women for the primary election. And unfortunately, due to custom and tradition, women are most likely to have mismatches in their ID documentation. Through marriage, divorce, remarriage, a woman’s name can change several times during her lifetime. Sometimes, we are not always pro-active about updating all of our records with the social security office, the IRS, driver’s licenses, utiliy bills,etc, etc.

Now, if I were Barack Obama’s campaign or a Rove operative, I’d be damn sure to challenge as many female voters as I possibly can at the polling places. What better way of closing the margin?

So, ladies, get your paperwork in order. You don’t have much time. Find out what you need to get and have it ready when you go to the polls. Call your local board of elections and get straight with them now. Don’t wait.

Pass it around.

36 Responses

  1. (offtopic: please rescue my missive to kid oakland in his thread): linkladen, sorry

  2. Curious, is Indiana an ethanol growing state?

  3. dot: I would assume so.

  4. Oh, my — and that’s exactly the sort of game a traditional Obama Campaign would play. Win on the technicality.

    Did you see KidOakland’s claim that no one has run a campaign friendlier to woman than Obama? What a laugh.

  5. Kbird: LOL! Where did KO say that? Do you have a link? ‘Cos that’s pretty funny.
    BTW, I think the BFF has a crush on you.

  6. (blushing fiercely) Really?

    riverdaughter, it was his 11:30 comment on the Brave, Brave Obama thread. I called him on it right after. What a waste of time that entire conversation — it’s incredible what Obama supporters will say.

  7. Charles, Too rough on KidOakland? Now I really am rolling on the floor laughing. He wasn’t there for a real conversation.

    I’m convinced the Obama supporters are coming here to get their talking-points expanded into our territory. They know we aren’t going to be convinced. It’s some weird Google war.

  8. Kbird: Oh, yeah, I must have been at the store. I can’t read KO all the way to the end sometimes. I don’t know wtf he’s trying to accomplish here. If he’s trying to get us to come over to Obama in the general, he’s going about it all the worng way. Plus, I don’t really appreciate having my ego flattered by this “Oh you have a nice blog here, very successful”. Jeez, what does he take us for? Of course we have a nice blog here. But we don’t need no stinkin’ stroking from him. What does he expect? That we’re going to say, “Really? Do you think so? Wow! Could you get Kos to put us on his blogroll. It would be so cool for him to cast his eyes upon us and recognize our little effort.”
    NO, KidO, we’re not having make up sex with Obama until he kisses our asses big time and I see no evidence of that happening. Besides, we *like* our candidate because she’d make a better president. Honestly, how anyone could still think that token male has what it takes after that $*%&** debate performance is beyond me.

    Charles: Feel free to say what you want.

  9. OT – Once again BO telling who he really is on Fox – from Larry’s

    “The next part is for the delusional left:

    Obama is trying to separate himself from the most strident parts of his base, and he does this pretty effectively throughout the interview:

    OBAMA: Well, I think there are a whole host of areas where Republicans in some cases may have a better idea.

    WALLACE: Such as. Obama mentions deregulation of industry, charter schools, a new variation of merit pay.”


    and the delusional left smooches with this guy …Why? … Someone said here it’s the money for the party … I just have to agree , what else could it possibly be ..

  10. I gave him way too much attention yesterday, because I did used to read him regularly. And I wanted to give him the chance — full chance — to show some sign of rationality on the issue.

    It’s clear that he’s not only not rational, as you say, he’s condescending at the same time. I happen to know that he’d love to have a 10th of our readers at his blog. Your success must be killing him inside.

    And the fact that you can’t run a campaign on snark must also be killing him.

  11. […] Cautionary Public Service Announcement Posted on April 27, 2008 by riverdaughter […]

  12. briana: deregulation of industries? You mean like underfunding the FDA so we get poison dog food and drug companies that can’t monitor adverse side effects? Or does he mean not monitoring emissions regulations on coal power plants and making sure they’ve installed the right scrubbers? Or does he mean not updating CAFE standards for automobiles? Maybe he meant energy and oil industries that make obscene profits by manipulation of the market. Or financial industries that play with our money by creating “instruments” in the real estate sector. Which industries was he refering to where Republicans have better ideas because from where I stand, they’ve destroyed nearly everything they’ve touched in the past 8 years.

    #$#%#$!!! Can anyone please explain to me why this primary season is so fricking close when it’s between a brilliant, articulate, experienced, hard working, policy wonk and a token male? What ever happened to merit?

  13. Waiting for WORM. Perhaps KidO can explain to us just how awesome it is for the left to have Obama trash the left.

    But what do you expect? MoveOn endrsed Obama after he gave them the finger when it would have counted.

  14. “Deregulation of industries” … …speaking of that Rdaughter – .. even now there are ‘still’ too many people having trouble with this pet food ..

    “Nutro “Pet Foods

  15. Huh ? .. I didn’t put that face there .. well, please forgive it ..

  16. OMG! that was so EASY! (to do) RD! Go, Indiana women & go, Alice Palmer this a.m. —- she and Maya in good company with Hillary Clinton…I think I did a “pingback?” hahaha!


    PS: check this out if you haven’t seen…


  17. Don’t ask me how I know this but IIRC just before the dog food incident, the FDA had “issues” with it’s servers and suspended email to them for about a week, I’m sure it was purely coincidental.

  18. Briana: Maybe you hit *) instead?

  19. Or not.

  20. Or 8)

  21. Yeah, that’s the ticket. You get the KidO emoticon by typing “8” + “)” right next to one another.

  22. Briana: Maybe you hit *) instead?

    RD: I suspect it was the “8” and ” ) ” written together which created that “shades” smiley in Briana’s post.

  23. jinx. LOL!

  24. I’m watching C-SPAN run the French press grilling Sarkozy and I can’t help but think if the so-called “press” tried that against Obama, it’d be called a lynching by his campaign and supporters. Seriously.

  25. Davidson, this is one of the reasons I just don’t foresee him rallying enough of the “indie” votes to win in November (nevermind the sizable bloc of core Dems being turned off as we speak). He comes across as a complete WHINER, who’d every which way to displace the flack at someone else’s doorstep. Politcal correctness where Senator Obama’s campaign’s concerned is already in maximum overdrive. Four years of that diverting from the real issues and problems with that nonsense? NO THANK YOU! Sincerely, your *apparently* atypical black voter, Texas, USA.

  26. The Clinton campaign should therefore be doing all it can alerting women voters who support her in Indiana to check and make sure their voter registration records are current. Otherwise, we’re going to see reports of them being turned away on May 6 and cries of voter suppression from the Clinton campaign, especially if Obama squeaks a win.

  27. Joe: Yes, and by the time the truth gets out, we’ll be in another news cycle and no one will care. Why not some early intervention? Pre-emptive news?

  28. @edwardian: I agree about the absolute refusal by the media to apply any legitimate criticism to Obama. However, I doubt it’s out of concern for racial sensitivity; it’s simply to knock out Clinton and ensure a Democratic loss in the GE. Can you imagine the glee the media’s demographic base–affluent white men (as a group)–will feel to know that both “firsts” were torched?

    The first black presidential candidate must follow the Jackie Robinson model: be so talented it’s undeniable and so strong you can withstand the inevitable blowback. Obama is the exact opposite: a house of cards. Obama doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning the GE; the GOP and the media will expose him. The right will utterly destroy him–and Democrats nationally–on his use of the race card, giving them carte blanche to attack liberalism itself, especially civil rights.

  29. every time I use parentheses here I get a smiley face. I think several things combined with the ) cause it.

    as for Indiana, good call. I can surely see certain people who would love to suppress women’s votes.

    this is why I don’t understand why women change their names when they marry. I’ve been married for 26 years and we have different last names and it’s never caused a problem. to me, taking a husband’s name seems like a throwback to a time when your father owned you and then gave you to another man.

    the other day I was killing time on facebook and wondered about people I remember from elementary school and high school. I realized I could probably only look up the boys, because I would have no idea of the girl’s present names.

  30. Female Indiana voter reporting: Avoid the hassle and vote early! I did, just last week. Indiana residents can vote at their County Clerk’s office until May 5th, but the earlier you go, the better you’ll feel. My experience was absolutely joyous. My vote counted, and I got to vote for the first viable female candidate, thus continuing the legacy started by women such as Wollstonecraft, Stanton & Anthony. Progress was made, and I felt it.

  31. yay Anna Belle!

    I never knew there was any such thing as early voting until recently. it sure seems like it would cut down on the lines on election day.

  32. riverdaughter:

    Please give one example of Barack Obama using Rove-like voter suppression tactics?



  33. what about his disqualifying of a primary rival on a technicality? sounds positively rovian to me

  34. But it sounds legal. And if Hillary pulled what I think you’re referring to you’d love her being “tough.” He lives in Chicago, it’s amazing he hasn’t learned to stuff the ballot box.

    “But in that initial bid for political office, Obama quickly mastered the bare-knuckle arts of Chicago electoral politics.”

    Obama is tough. No one who lives on the south side of Chicago is weak.

  35. Hillary is going to be in my hometown Tuesday. Where, we don’t know yet. (She stated that she wanted to stay away from the schools now, so we’re assuming she’ll be at the fair grounds.)

    I don’t really think Indiana cares all too much about either democrat. One of our sentators said something along the lines of, “I hope they both get on the ballot and split the democratic vote so McCain will win.” Personally, I don’t think that was the nicest thing to say, but that’s how this state is–red, red, red.

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