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Please tell me again. 

First this…

Wasn’t that nice? Aren’t you relaxed?  Do you want me to turn the lights down? Should I bust out my eucalyptus and mint massage oil and loosen up that lower back? Of course I’m naked. How did you know? Let me whisper something in your ear…

Ok, fun time is over. 

Now, go call Pat Toomey and tell him again how you don’t believe a single thing the motherf#%ker says about the Senate Health Care bill. That is, if you’re in Pennsylvania. Here are the numbers: 

Allentown/Lehigh Valley 

1150 S. Cedar Crest Blvd Suite 101 

Allentown, PA 18103 

Phone: (610) 434-1444 

Toll-free phone (for callers in PA): 1-855-552-1831

Fax: (610) 434-1844

11 Responses

  1. Whahahahahaha…. good one, RD! Tea almost coming out of my nose

    • Meanwhile, the lurkers are clutching their pearls and heading for the fainting couch.

      Um, I could do a fainting couch…

  2. tell him again how you don’t believe a single thing the motherf#%ker says about the Senate Health Care bill.

    lol, RD. I got kicked off my call with Ben Cardin’s office a while ago for calling Bannon a motherfucker, 😉

    • ROTF!!
      That wasn’t supposed to be taken literally. But good for you.

      • My call happened before this post, more like three, four months ago. Just was reminded of it reading your post.

  3. 2018! Let us get these Republican congress critters unemployed and without insurance.

  4. Wow, new Irish prime minister, Leo Varadkar is a half Indian (Indian dad and Irish mom) doctor who is also gay.

    Serbia elected a gay woman prime minister.

    Pretty soon we the first world will be the hillbilly of the world. We can blame the media for it for dumping the buffoon and his corrupt/inhumane minions on us.

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