Guest Blogger – Meet Dr. Brendon Rutherford!

Well, hello there, my new friends! Who loves meeting people? That’s right, it’s me! And after you finish reading about me, I’m sure you’ll love me even more than you already do!

These friends are, new friends are golden.

Apologies if I go off on a few tangents. As a surgeon, my attention is always being pulled in eighteen different ways. And as an entertainer, I’m always on. ‘Cause singin’ is my jam!

Just try and stop me!

My love’s bulletproof
Give me cherry bombs and gasoline
Debutantes in surgery and the headline

I feckin’ love cutting people open and fixing their insides. One of my favorite procedures is an appendectomy. Fifty points if you spike it in the bio-hazard bin! I always win [winky face].

Hey! Like a surgeon
Cuttin’ for the very first time

I may be a loud mother-fecker, but I take my job seriously!

So, maybe I don’t actually have a degree in medicine (or a license), but it’s the apocalypse. What are you going to do, arrest me? You know, I wouldn’t mind that in the slightest. Getting kinky is also my jam.

When it gets too kinky for the rest of the world
It’s getting just right for me

As a VIP guest to this blog today, I’ll give you a little insight into my crazy brain. Let’s see…where to start? Well, I’m thirty-one, been a surgeon for about two years now and I’m a widower. That last one is a loooooong story. And while I miss Amy every day, I’m determined to carry on her legacy as a medical professional.

Fulfill the prophecy
Be something greater
Go make a legacy
Manifest destiny

I’ve got High Hopes that I’ve chosen the right path. Sure, I miss being an entertainer and laying down some phat chords on my white baby grand, but I’ve met some amazing people along the way.

Dr. Lisa Reynolds – what can I say about her? Shite, what can’t I say? She’s brilliant(ly hot) and just about the sweetest chica I’ve ever met. She’s got brains and looks and professionalism and humor… I could keep going. Basically, she’s the Mama of my little hospital. Mama Reynolds.

Mama mama when you look at me
I see love in your eyes

Mama Reynolds even has a hubby I’m fond of (in more ways than one [winky face]) named Jack, AKA hair-boy, AKA Mancubi. My homie is not only hilarious, but he’s a doctor too! Well, a doctor of cars, but it still counts.

Without the two of them, I’d be bored out of my crazy little mind! Surgery can only take up so much of my time!

Well, it was lovely meeting y’all. Hopefully, I can come back and do another guest blog! And don’t forget to read more of my story, or follow me on Twitter!

Author Bio

Dr. B, MD

I’m Dr. B! Like a surgeon, cutting for the very first time! Except I’ve been doing this for two years already. Even though I’m a recent widower, I’m not afraid to enjoy my life. Singing is my jam and cutting people open is my mantra. It’s how I meditate! My attention span may be short, but I make up for it in volume. Give me a tough medical case and I’ll figure it out!


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