Posted in Energy Healing, Insights, motivation, Overcoming Emotions, Self Determination, The lady's Journey

Be the light for you!

We all have the capacity to shine and be the light. Sometimes along the walk of life there was someone that said to us, somehow…No not you! Whether it was a clergy, your parents, peer. Doesn’t matter. It sunk in and we found it difficult to fight that mind set. As you get older (you couldn’t tell me this at 20), you find that what you were told, wasn’t necessarily all true. You start to gather information, you pull it together and then realize. Wait a minute. That is not true.

We are humans, but we also are spiritual beings as well. I find the quicker we bounce back, the quicker we start to shine the light. Some circumstances are more difficult than others. They are lessons we must go through. When we arrive on the other side, we tend to have an ah hah moment. If not, we repeat. You got a life time to practice. However, quicker you learn, the easier you are able to stand on your feet, and move on.

Move on to what, you wonder. You move on in life. Even when you get older, you get a reprieve from daily strive. Then bam, a situation comes along for you to pay attention to. Or not. Maybe this one is not your circus. Maybe you have to sit back and let them follow through on their own. You are at this moment preparing yourself for what lies ahead. Maybe it is just rest. Maybe another lesson. No matter what comes across your pathway…always strive to shine through. Have a wonderful day!


Certified Specialist in End of Life and Grief I have learned over the years, that we have the ability to heal ourselves. We create our illness. However, we can also create our wellness. The moment has arrived. I am elevated by the legacy of numerous luminaries in the field of healing. With over 40 years of study in the field of natural and alternative healing, I have amassed a wealth of knowledge from reading numerous books on various healing methods. These books span a range of cultures and philosophies, and I take pleasure in comparing and contrasting their differences. Through this blog, my aim is to assist you in deciphering the information and modalities available. It serves as an informative guide on your personal journey to self-healing. There are numerous methods for accomplishing the same task. Many ideas share a common concept yet are known by different names. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that we must heal ourselves on every level—Mind, Body, and Spirit—and seek the answers within ourselves." I am a certified Reiki Master/Teacher and a Master Energy Healer of (Human Energy Field Activation) HEFA. I have a bachelor's in communication along with graduate studies in Stategic leadership and personal development. During my lifetime I acquired skills working at a woman's center helping abused woman of domestic violence and sexual assault/ Worked at HeadStart extended day program helping Single parents get on their feet as a family advocate, Over the past few years, I have assisted several individuals coping with loss, particularly parents who have endured the pain of losing a child, as I have. I am currently pursuing a certificate to become a Death Doula, which will enable me to support people in advance planning and serve as a grief coach. I am Hyla, (a certified educator in end-of-life care with a focus on grief. The realization that we possess the ability to heal ourselves is a significant insight shared by numerous wisdom traditions and contemporary leaders. This understanding highlights the natural resilience and healing potential of our body and spirit. It also reveals how our thoughts, emotions, and actions can profoundly impact our health and well-being. By recognizing our part in shaping our wellness or illness, we take control, enabling ourselves to initiate positive changes and assume responsibility for our healing process. This change in perception unveils a realm of possibilities, constantly reminding us that opportunities for transformation and rejuvenation are ever-present. In this moment of inspiration, we draw wisdom from luminaries in the field of healing. Their legacies serve as guiding lights, illuminating the path toward holistic well-being and personal empowerment. Whether ancient or modern, their collective legacy inspires us to explore diverse approaches to wholeness. Their enduring influence urges us to embrace a multidimensional understanding of health and integrate their teachings into our lives, shaping our journey toward vitality and balance. With over 40 years of study in the field of natural and alternative healing, I have amassed a wealth of knowledge from reading numerous books on various healing methods. These books span a range of cultures and philosophies, and I take pleasure in comparing and contrasting their differences. Through this blog, I aim to assist you in deciphering the available information and modalities. This blog serves as an informative guide on your personal journey to self-healing. There are numerous methods for accomplishing the same task. Many ideas share a common concept yet are known by different names. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that we must heal ourselves on every level—Mind, Body, and Spirit—and seek the answers within ourselves." Remember that grief is a unique and personal journey, and each individual copes differently. As a coach, my role is to provide support, validate emotions, and help clients find their own path toward healing and acceptance. 🌿 Disclaimer: Should you be on any other medication, have a medical condition, or have any concerns regarding the advice or ingredients, please consult your doctor before using my services. Disclaimer: If you are taking any medication, have a medical condition, or have concerns about the advice or ingredients, please consult your doctor before using these herbs. Additionally, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a history of breast cancer, seek medical advice prior to use.

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