The Peace of Childlike Wonder

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This morning I am reminded that there is beauty in simplicity. It is these little things: The stroke of a pen, the shuffling of worn bible pages as parishoners thumb through them in church, even during sermons that do not speak to us. The chirping of birds and the faithfulness of the sun to rise on days when the blistering heat beats us down.

It is these things that supply us with strength when we are totally wiped…just at the end of ourselves and life has taken the last of us.

Jesus is in these things. Let us not miss them!

“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kindgdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever recieves one little child like this in My name receives Me.” Mathew 18:3-5 NKJV

“But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” Mark 10:31

These are a few beautiful things that have opened my eyers in wonder, inspired my spirit, and given me strength.

The scripture in Mark was actually the first ever bible verse I memorized as as a child. I remember it because the exercise they made us do in Sunday school in order to illustrate its meaning really left a permanent impression on my developing mind. The last shall be first. I had no idea how simple it was, what Jesus was referring to. To humble oneslf and walk hand-in-hand with Him as a child does. To totally trust and enjoy the wonderment of this life. As I sit here, in the latter part of my 20s ,typing this blog post, I can say it has been so sweet to become like a child and follow Jesus.

Lord, keep our hearts tender and never allow us to lose our childlike wonder.

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I’m Mauriel,

The author of many inspirational posts, voice of the Jesus + Tea Podcast and creator of DIY recipes for your homestead. Follow along and together we will discover the basics of holistic living, city homesteading and walking with our Savior!

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