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Netgalley Review: The Amethyst Kingdom (The Five Crowns of Okrith #5) – A. K. Mulford

I don’t remember the last time I read an entire series in just a few weeks. Of course, it did help that I got an arc for this book via Netgalley while I had just finished the first book in the series, but still. There was not one moment I was dreading starting the next book in this series. There was not one moment I longed to read another book instead. I really enjoyed myself. I’m therefore really happy that HarperVoyager granted my review request for this finale.

It’s hard to describe this series and even harder to explain why I am a little sad that this is the last book in the series already. The concept of this series is brilliant. In every book we focus on another couple and yet there is this overarching storyline reaching its conclusion in this book. And although there is a lot of romance in this series, there is also a lot of fantasy, magic, fighting, mythology and world building. I think both fantasy and romance lovers will love this series.

For a little while I was afraid that the author was gonna make the final battle in this novel a little too easy. Everything seemed to be going so well. However, I shouldn’t have doubted the author. I think this book had the best and most epic finale out of all five. I’ve never been so afraid for so many characters. I don’t think so many characters have been as close to dead as they’ve been in this book. And just as easily things could have turned out a lot worse.

I also really loved the romance in this book. It’s a second chance romance. A romance that didn’t really work the first time and that means that both characters have to put in a lot of effort to make it work this time. When someone has hurt you, when lies have ripped you apart, it’s hard to build bridges and to forgive each other. However, both characters learn and grow a lot in this book and with every little step they’re moving closer to the other.

I will miss Okrith. If the author ever returns, I will for sure follow!

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