Posted: September 11, 2010 in Healthy Stuff, Life, Naked Stuff
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Today’s my day. It’s been an extraordinary day in so many of the last 11 years. 1999 was my 50th (and I partied like it was 1999!), it’s been 10 years since my dad died on that day, and of course the world was forever changed in 2001. I prayed for a peaceful day in 2002 and was graced when my future husband flew from Miami to Los Angeles to surprise me with a plane towing an exquisite ribbon in the sky and his presence. Last year I officially released the first single from my very first CD on 9/9/09 and sang the song on a fabulous cruise ship on my 60th. So many of the days have been truly momentous if not auspicious.

My suit has served me well throughout the years and for all that it has sustained, I’m grateful. I thank God, Mom & Dad, Rock & Roll, and a healthy attitude. I know my dad expected me to celebrate life on the 11th, his & mine, when he chose that day to pass. Loss is never easy but I will continue to honor him and all who have been born & died on this day. And I will celebrate life.

  1. Beautiful, And you still wear that suit well!
    Love and have a wonderful Bday.

  2. Deborah says:

    Happy Birthday, Gorgeous!
    Yes you are beautiful, inside and out. Very. Very.

    Love you,

  3. chris says:

    absolutely unconditionally the best post yet…keep em coming and keep em real as you always do…the world truly is a much,much better place with you in it and of course being by my side just adds that much more as we navigate our way thru this thing of ours called “LIFE””

    I love you Baby!!!!

  4. Susan Bookbinder says:

    Caryn, I couldn’t write to you until just now because I had no access to my computer. I thought about you so much yesterday, and about your father, of course. But I didn’t realize in how many other ways the 11th is so important to you. Anyway, happy birthday, dear cousin of mine! I love you so much!!!!

  5. jenny rae says:

    To my beautiful aunty caryn… I absolutely can not wait to meet you!! You are beautiful and so FULL of LIFE!!I love your ramblings.. They bring such joy to my heart..

    Love you xoxoxo

  6. Benjy mon says:

    I was going to call you Sunday night to tell you how terrific our day was spending it you and Chris on your B-day. It was by far the best I felt physically in quite awhile. It must have been the Caryn mojo .Thanks again for your spirit, your joie de vivre ,and for being my sister. Love, the Benj

  7. Judith says:

    Yo Schves…9.11 — a day never to be forgotten for many reasons. But for me, the most important reason is YOU. I thank God, your mom and dad and Rock and Roll and your healthy attitude for making you who you are!….love you always, your schves

  8. Laura Lee says:

    I celebrate YOU in my Life!! Your Dad is always in your Heart!! God Bless YOU Girl!! XOXO

  9. kathy fagan says:

    You are an amazing creature and i am proud to have you in my life!
    ily ily

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