Grace, you ask me where do I live in? In the old, the new or the present? What demands am I letting go so I can enjoy the moment?  What dreams am I hoping for that give me energy in the present time?  If I believe that every minute counts, then living in the present is where I will receive the greatest return on investment. I have heard this before and don’t quite understand why I have a difficult time living in the moment. I am a planner…always have, always will be. Planning brings me comfort of knowing where I am going and what I need to do in the present to get there. While I don’t see anything wrong in being a planner, I should ask myself, “How do I take time to just be present in the moments that will not only yield the greatest return on investment at that very moment, but in my future?”

I think about just being present to my boys. They are so young right now and make me laugh with their witty comments. They are not too young to give and receive hugs and kisses and snuggle with me. They pick up flowers from their path along the sidewalk and hand them to me. They ask me to close my eyes while their hands are behind their backs only to reveal, minutes later, a fallen hair accent that belonged to some little girl as a present to me. Just the other day Jonathan picked up a rock to wash for Adam and I to give as a gift. While on a road trip David looked out the window and saw flowerbeds and said he wished he could get three flowers for me.

During these times I am thankful to be present to them, to have memories of these moments with them, and to be grateful that I am their mother. God has been so great to me, giving me a great responsibility of taking care of His children and entrusting me to teach my children to love, live and laugh in this world. I know that being in the moment with them will yield the greatest return on investment. As we know, children are our future and we should invest our time, talent and treasure to ensure that they are given every opportunity to live their potential and God’s Will.

Guiding Lesson: You are so right, Eve.  Children are a precious gift.  They are a gift that continues to grow right before our eyes.  What was given to you in such a small package, has the potential to magnify love in the hearts of everyone touched by them like nothing else in the world.  Your heart will continue to expand as you grow with your children.  Motherhood is not something that you can describe, but is a living and breathing expression that calls you forth to be your best self.  Imagine if everyone cherished and focused on the well being of the children?  Wouldn’t this world be a spectacular playground?

Well you asked about how to stay present as someone who is by natural planner.  I regret to tell you that this will be a constant struggle in your life as well as in the lives of everyone in the world.  There are people who devote their entire life to living a mindful and present life. They practice for hours, for days, for weeks.  It takes lots of time and devotion to this life style.

However, I bet you are wondering if this is even possible for mothers. They are so busy and are being tugged, pulled, called upon every second. Their work never ends.  They are on call even at night.  Rest, time and silence are all luxuries that are distant memories.

The good news is that motherhood has something that calls you to be in the moment…your children.  Yes, Eve, your children are the answer to enjoying the moment.  They don’t know anything else, but this.  They simply are present.  Watch them.  If they are upset, they cry and don’t think about if they should hold it in because they are in a library.  When they get angry, they don’t hide it, but let everyone around you know it.  If they see something unusual they speak it and embarrass you.  However, you and the other adults were all thinking it, but refrained from saying anything to be politically correct.

You see, Eve, they live in freedom and express their thoughts.  They don’t even need to plan because their mother will plan for them.  Planning is a good thing.  There is a time to plan and it doesn’t have to be every single minute.  Leaving room to be surprised, spontaneous and simply in awe is important.  If your planning robs you of encountering these pleasures, then it is time to plan not to plan.

Eve, if your children are your priority, then you don’t have to worry. Your heart will guide you to your children who will lead you to the present that will help you discover the joys of moment.  Enjoy this gift of the present.


Posted by Marisol Barrios as MissGuided Mom's "Eve"

After 12 years of marriage, I found myself suddenly divorced with two sons to raise. Inspired by life's events, I decided to create "Eve" and tell her story, a story that will resonate with many women. "Eve" will take you through the good, the bad, and the ugly of marriage, motherhood, career and divorce. After numerous delicate situations, she decides to surrender her life to a higher being and welcomes her guardian angel who teaches her life lessons. Join "Eve," her guardian angel, and friends as she takes you through an unimaginable journey of self-discovery. (Pictured: Caterina Clarke as MissGuided Mom's Guardian Angel "Grace" and Marisol Barrios as MissGuided Mom's "Eve")


  1. We had a tragic loss of a child and it has made me very present to my son and to enjoy every moment I have with him.



  2. […] want to be children. What I mean by this is that children, in ordinary settings, live life in the present, carefree and without worries. I want Jonathan and David to have normal stages of childhood […]



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