question markIt’s been years since Balladeer’s Blog tried a post like this. I’ve had a few people saying I should weigh in on a certain situation but I’ve been maintaining that said situation is way too “Inside Baseball” for most people to care. Hell, I’m barely interested in it myself.

           Here are some jokes without context and with no tags or other indicators. Let’s see if anybody even knows what these jokes are referring to. If you hate this whole idea and don’t want me to do it ever again, that’s fine, too. My point is that these people are so unknown that there’s no point in my commenting on it.

“I have no idea which of Gary’s former cellmates he fantasizes about when he has to lie next to that. The Miss Piggy comparison was being too kind.”

“When you’re in the mood for some cheap laughs, watch Gary struggle to read something out loud.”

“Next, Eric will offer a basic tier that gets you a bunch of blank pages; a second tier that will get you illustrations but no word balloons; a third tier that will include the word balloons and a max tier that will actually have the word balloons filled out. It is.”

“Has anyone had that loud, creepy British guy’s basement checked for dead bodies of victims?”

“Gary actually tries to claim credit for ‘creating’ the expression M-She-U? People were using it long before he did.”

“His wife doesn’t just bring home the bacon, she IS the bacon!”

“It’s hilarious how he tries to act like he’s chummy with Elon just because he was in one of his buildings when the guy did a walk-through.”

“Gary is so pathetic he’s basically the Comic Guy from The Simpsons AFTER Slim Fast.”

“At this point, Eric should be making his readers sign those NDAs.”


Filed under humor, opinion

4 responses to “EXPERIMENTAL POST

  1. No clue. And perhaps I’ve just not the intellectual horsepower to play along on this one.

    • Nah, it’s nothing intellectual, just petty and obscure from a tiny corner of the culture war. So far the reaction to his post confirms my hunch that it was too obscure for even me to cover.

      • Don’t give it up on one post. Kick it around a little. Make it yelp. See if anyone hears it. In the end, up to you, of course.

      • If it was a topic I cared about I would keep at it, but I posted this just as a favor for a few longtime readers who thought this was a burning issue, while I pegged it all as just petty feuding, so I’m fine never revisiting this topic, but thanks for commenting. Trust me, it’s not a topic that you tend to care about, so you’re not missing anything.

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