Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside (an old English pub)

The theme for this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge is “Inside”

In 2011, stranded in the UK due to the volcanic ash cloud we took the opportunity to visit many old towns and villages in the Cotswolds. Rather than taking their quaint charm for granted we viewed the architecture with fresh eyes and appreciated its character as tourists.

The picture below shows the inside of a typical English pub in the Cotswolds. As we entered the pub its interior felt cosy and welcoming, beckoning me to stay longer. I closed my eyes just a moment, and transported back in time I imagined sipping a good red wine on a cold winter’s evening. A roaring log fire burned in the hearth and mesmerised by the flames I felt warm inside. Memories such as these make me feel nostalgic for familiar surroundings.

Nowhere in Portugal, I have found, compares to the ambience of a typical old English Pub.

Inside an English Pub
Inside an English Pub


The Cotswold Arms, Burford - England
The Cotswold Arms, Burford – England

What places make you feel nostalgic?

30 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside (an old English pub)

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  1. This reminds me of my favourite britsh pub, the Rutland Arms in Ashford in the Water, a very quaint little village in the Peak District.


  2. There was a wonderful pub in Philadelphia we enjoyed . . . Dickens Pub. Before we became vegetarian, we enjoyed Bangers and Mash, Shepherd’s Pie, and Mince there.

    Great pints too!


  3. What a neat place. It’s like a step back in time. It sounds like a charming place and you romanticize it beautifully. 🙂
    For some reason, I get a sense of the locals spinning tales of the little people and all sorts of jolly good yarns for the tourists. lol


    1. Hi EC this little pub certainly caught my attention, However, it was a hot day and everyone was outside in the garden. I only sneaked in to go to the ladies and I was so taken with it I had to take a photograph! I’d love to go back in the evening and see if as you suggest it was full of people telling yarns. At least I would be able to speak the language and understand. That’s what makes me so loney here at times – the language barrier with the locals


  4. This pub looks fantastic. I tend to pass up places like this when I travel for the more famous spots, but I often feel like I miss out on a lot.


  5. I have only a few memories of the pubs in England but they are primarily outside. I was 9 years old when my mom and I left Canada so she could marry her British guy. I often hung out in the car whilst they stopped for a pint. They’d bring me out a bag of crisps and a creme soda.


  6. Very quaint and very English, love the photos Carole.
    This English pub brings back nostalgic memories of the UK for me. We have lived in Oz for many years but we haven’t found anything that comes even close to an old English pub – you just can’t beat ’em!


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