Flora and Fauna of Costa Rica


5/26/2021 was our 25th wedding anniversary. The day spent relaxing at the beach, enjoying the spa and dining.

Hetal and Sandip surprised us with a dinner celebrations and Dharmesh ordered special pink roses (it’s been a tradition) which apparently was super hard to find by the resort staff. Roses are not native to the area and they are not readily available.

Nonetheless, it was a fantastic day. And oh, we also got our COVID test done at the hotel, as a part of re-entry to US.

We couldn’t leave the country without checking out amazing wildlife of Costa Rica. We headed to Palo Verden National Park the next day.

Palo Verde National Park was an incredible treat when it came to enjoying wildlife and bird watching. This place has at least 12 different habitats within the park such as mangroves, swamps, swamp forests, saltwater and freshwater lagoons and marshes.
We went to the Tempisque River for a boat ride, our guide was experienced and knowledgeable. We say so many birds and creatures like howler monkeys, green iguanas and coatis, anteaters and crocodiles.

We also spotted wide variety of vibrantly colored plants and flowers everywhere during our trip.

One more day of relaxing and off to get back home!

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