A bespoke custom made rugs service to fit a standard budget

One hundred percent wool handmade bespoke rugs produced in virtually any length and width, where you choose the colours and design! Yes, believe it or not, there is now such a bespoke rug service available at iwantarug.com. What’s more, this custom made service is pitched at a price that is comparable to like for like qualities from many high street and internet retailers off the shelf brands.


Rug Design & Colour Templates

Why not be more exclusive in your home furnishings?

It’s always puzzled me why some women get upset at wearing the same dress as someone else at a party. Yet, are quite happy to walk into someone else’s home and happily exclaim, “I’ve got those cushions”.

We are surrounded by mass production, it’s claimed one in ten Europeans are conceived on “Ikea” beds, and one in five Brits use their mattresses. Every time I’ve visited Ikea, I can’t ever recall seeing anyone struggling with a bed or mattress in their trolley. Which makes me wonder, what percentage of soft furnishings and home décor items are we are stuffing into our homes? The mind boggles to think just how many of us actually must have exactly the same décor.

Being individual by having a custom-made rug produced shouldn’t be restricted to the super-rich, at iwantarug.com we want to bring a level of exclusivity to the average householder. Our custom made rugs can be as individual as you, it just takes a few minutes to design, size and colour. Okay, it’s going to be more expensive than your run of the mill rugs, but we’ve pitched our price to be directly comparable with similar quality branded rugs.


Size and shape

The most common reason for choosing a bespoke rug is often the size. Our design software will allow the customer to size and price a rug from as small as 60cm x 120cm up to 400cm x 600cm. Long and thin, square, oval, hexagonal or round, the client can manipulate virtually any shape and size. We can do larger and smaller sizes, just call us for a quote.



Maybe there’s call for a client to have a company or club logo designed into a rug. That isn’t a problem, we just need a good quality image of the logo to start the ball rolling.

The concept of designing a bespoke rug

At Rug Zone we produced many designs that were different and exciting, to escape from the corporately branded styles. To help us visualise our designs as rugs, we developed textured templates and picked the colour from poms, that offered over 1,400 colour options. Which shade of the 50 blue hues should we use with which of the 80 shades of beige? The task became a nightmare.


1,400 colour options

To simplify the colouring process, we turned to contemporary matt emulsion colour charts, the theory being if the paint is popular then the rug colours will need to match. We also added a splash of classic colours to round off the selection. With all that colour choice we had available, over 90% of the rugs we produced, used less than 50 colours.

To allow the customer to colour and design their own bespoke rugs online, we have adapted the template design system we used to visualise our textured rug images to iwantarug.com. By virtually doubling the colour availability to 96 colours we believe that should be a colour combination for everyone.

Using this controlled colour bank has another advantage, it is possible to have plain samples produced in the quality of the actual rug the customer will receive. We can cut and send the customer feeler samples in the colours to be used in their custom-made rug, alleviating any worries regarding quality, texture and colour. In the unlikely event that there isn’t a colour in our offering, we can always revert back to the 1400 colour poms.


Production of the feeler samples

Our online design app will allow you to produce and colour, a rug in the size and colours to suit the customer. It’s there to give you a visual impression and cost of the rug. It will distort the design to fit the size of the required rug. Our templates normally assume the rug is going to be an oblong shape, but the client may be opting for a square or a long narrow carpet runner, here the design elements could look a little out of proportion. The client and ourselves will be able to see this instantly, and we will make in-house adjusts to marry the design with the shape of the rug.


Bespoke rug with border to match marble tiles

As with any bespoke products we expect the customer to want to tweak the design. A typical example is in the above photo of a rug we had recently produced for a client. This customer wanted a rug in a non-standard 180cm x 250cm size to sit centrally in a hall. He requested it coloured in plain cream, with a terracotta and black border to match his marble tiles. We produced the pattern using our standard template and forwarded him the design plan for approval. He asked; “Would it be possible to make the border the same size as the tile”? He sent us the sizes and we reproduced the design template to the exact dimensions of the border tiles. A relatively simple request that is easy to execute, which is what our bespoke rug service is about.


Adjusting the size of a border

About the rugs we produce.

Over the years we have had many wool rugs produced from handmade carpet suppliers in Bhadohi, also known as “Carpet City”. Located in the Uttar Pradesh region of India, whose most famous landmark is the Taj Mahal, Bhadohi is renowned for the production of carpets and rugs, producing and exporting around 40% of the worlds handmade carpets and rugs. “That’s a lot of experience”.


Profile our custom made rugs.

Our supplier is highly experienced in the production of hand woven and hand-tufted rugs, they have produced rugs for some of the biggest and most renowned rug brand in the world. The rugs are hand-tufted using 100% wool, it’s a high-grade longer staple length wool that is less prone to excessive shedding. We opt for a shorter, more compact cut pile surface that keeps its shape longer and is better for carving. The backing of the rug uses a good quality hessian and is folded and taped for a clean edge.


Backing of the finished rug

Because we are buying and shipping direct from the maker, we can keep the costs to a minimum. With no middlemen and no “big brand” marketing costs, we price the finished bespoke rug, delivered to the client’s door, at similar or less per square metre price than high street brands. How cool is that?

Producing bespoke rugs isn’t new to us, however letting the client lose on the design tool, is. We encourage you to take a look, design and share this concept on social media. Any constructive comments that will help make the design, colouration and purchasing experience better, are welcome.

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