Mendeley v1.3 – Mendeley Suggest

(UPDATE: Sorry for my excitement over Mendeley Suggest that I didn’t realize earlier that it’s still in beta testing phase that is currently available to Mendeley staff and advisors. Don’t worry, I’ve been told that Mendeley Suggest is coming soon to all as 30-day free trial. So stay tuned!)

To all Mendeley users, have you updated to the latest Mendeley Desktop version 1.3? If you haven’t, I recommend you to do it immediately to get the latest feature of Mendeley Suggest and many more. If you have noticed on the Mendeley Web, on your right side of the screen, there are recommended articles generated based on your contents of your library. I found that very useful to discover new papers related to my research topics that I might have missed otherwise. Similarly, Mendeley Desktop 1.3 comes with a new feature called Mendeley Suggest that recommends articles that may be of your interest.

If you like the papers suggested, just click Accept and it will be imported to your library. If the papers are not of your interest, just click Remove to dismiss them and another set of papers will be generated for recommendation. I found many new interesting papers from Mendeley Suggest and I advise you to take a look at this new feature.

Other than Mendeley Suggest, another notable update on this version 1.3 is opening PDF files directly using Mendeley Desktop.

Just right-click on your PDF file and click Open With – Mendeley Desktop. I rarely use this feature but I thought some may like it.

So how do you like the latest version of Mendeley Desktop 1.3?

9 thoughts on “Mendeley v1.3 – Mendeley Suggest

    1. Sorry Wini that you have to wait a while as the developers are still improving the feature. So stay tuned and I will let you know once it’s available to all.

    1. Hi Dmitriy,

      Synchronization of notes and highlights works on all Mendeley Desktop across multiple devices but as far as I know, it still doesn’t work on Mendeley for iPad and iPhone yet. I’m also looking forward for it to work on both iPad and iPhone.

  1. Hi Jenn, thanks for the great post. We’ve featured your post on our Facebook page! Be sure to pop over there to see any further comments that may arise. 🙂
    Just one note: this feature is currently only available to Mendeley staff and Mendeley Advisors, like yourself! However, while we finish tweaking and improving the recommendation algorithm and general user experience, we appreciate your input and hope to see this soon released to all.

    1. Hi Ricardo,

      I’ve just been told by Steve earlier that it’s not available to all yet. Sorry for my excitement that I didn’t notice that. I have added an update to the blog post to indicate the news. Thanks for featuring my post in FB. I do hope my post helps promoting this great feature.

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